I have had two of these chairs and they both failed in the exact same manner and not with much use. The hinge pins are woefully under designed and bend out of shape with minimal use and the hinge pins attached to plastic have both ripped through the plastic. Terrible chair. I have had $5 chairs last better than these. These are the worst.
Love the quality of these chairs, cant wait to see how they hold up over time. The zipper pocket I originally thought was for personal items, but so cool that its actually a little cooler that can hold additional drinks.
Bought this chair and it broke on the 2nd use--2 hours of seat time! Im 62 185lbs and the rivets sheered off rendering it useless. Little disheartened since the brand is typically better than this.
This chair is terrible
I have had two of these chairs and they both failed in the exact same manner and not with much use. The hinge pins are woefully under designed and bend out of shape with minimal use and the hinge pins attached to plastic have both ripped through the plastic. Terrible chair. I have had $5 chairs last better than these. These are the worst.
This chair is very comfortable.
Use chair on my patio, easy to fold up to keep it inside when not using.
Great quality, love the cooler pocket.
Love the quality of these chairs, cant wait to see how they hold up over time. The zipper pocket I originally thought was for personal items, but so cool that its actually a little cooler that can hold additional drinks.
Excellent, love it!
Easy ti food, confortable, good construcción! Good value for the product received!
Broke during 2nd use--oof
Bought this chair and it broke on the 2nd use--2 hours of seat time! Im 62 185lbs and the rivets sheered off rendering it useless. Little disheartened since the brand is typically better than this.
Well Built
This is a great travel chair. Its definitely better quality and more comfortable than the last one I had.
Horrible chair
Broke on the first day I used it. One of the metal legs snapped under my (under 200lb) weight. BS. I want a refund.
Comfortable, great price
Liked how it came exactly as described in article
Great product
Great product
Its a good chair but, being elderly its nice to have help folding and unfolding. Not too heavy either.
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