Easy to assemble. Small parts are provided in a neat package that identifies each set of parts. Parts are metric but a single metric Allen wrench is provided and that is the only tool you need.
Easy to put together, nice for the price and very sturdy. When you see the box dont make the mistake I did and think the headboard is not in the box.it is and it looks great!
Quick arrival from west coast to east coast. Literally took two days. Assembly takes about a hour. Really impressed with how rails come bundle together. No need to screw each one individually. The bed is a great value .
This product was relatively simple to assemble, but it would have gone much faster with two people / its easy to accidentally screw in a piece at an angle, which throws off all the other pieces that are then supposed to attach to that piece. I am small, not crafty or strong at all, so it took about three hours to assemble. No poeces missing, but the very first picture on the instructions was slightly inaccurate, because theholes did not match the product, but easy to figure out what pieces go where.
It holds up well, no dips. I was afraid that there would be a gap between the headboard and mattress, but my mattress covers it / I have a 10 inch full. It looks very nice.
Cant be happier with my new bed! Very fast delivery, reasonable price. Was easy to put together, the Velcro strips is a brilliant idea! Sturdy, clean lines, slick and beautiful bed! Looks exactly like the photos. Headboard is cushioned and comfortable to lean on for reading. Height of both the bed and the headboard is perfect, headboard has two options for height to match with your mattress thickness. I paired it with 14 mattress, perfect fit / high enough headboard and no gap between mattress and headboard. I did an extensive research on beds, knew exactly what i wanted, and cant be happier i found it! Highly recommend, fantastic bed at a good price!
It was well designed for a easier build. The Headboard was thin so it looks cheap. I had assembled it before I saw the rip in the side board. Accepted it because I just wanted to sleep on my mattress off the floor. Wouldnt buy it again. Took pictures but couldnt seem to download. Will try again later.
I needed a pop of dark color in my room and this bedframe did just that. I set this frame up by myself in a very small bedroom and had no issues. Doing it by yourself will take you a couple of hours with a break in between but once its finished it looks so chic. I also added bed risers because it is pretty low to the floor.
Easy to assemble.
Easy to assemble. Small parts are provided in a neat package that identifies each set of parts. Parts are metric but a single metric Allen wrench is provided and that is the only tool you need.
Great bed
Easy to put together, nice for the price and very sturdy. When you see the box dont make the mistake I did and think the headboard is not in the box.it is and it looks great!
Best of the best
I love my new bed, I was unsure until my husband and I assemble. It is super comfortable and everyone love it. It is super strong.
Great bang for your buck
Quick arrival from west coast to east coast. Literally took two days. Assembly takes about a hour. Really impressed with how rails come bundle together. No need to screw each one individually. The bed is a great value .
Its a little lower to the grown than I expected but it is very nice had no problems putting it together very sturdy so far
No complaints
This product was relatively simple to assemble, but it would have gone much faster with two people / its easy to accidentally screw in a piece at an angle, which throws off all the other pieces that are then supposed to attach to that piece. I am small, not crafty or strong at all, so it took about three hours to assemble. No poeces missing, but the very first picture on the instructions was slightly inaccurate, because theholes did not match the product, but easy to figure out what pieces go where. It holds up well, no dips. I was afraid that there would be a gap between the headboard and mattress, but my mattress covers it / I have a 10 inch full. It looks very nice.
Aming Pick
I was in desperate need for a bed, just bought a home and my brother and wife came from out of town. I was so happy and it was very quick fix Love it
Absolutely Love My New Bed!!
Cant be happier with my new bed! Very fast delivery, reasonable price. Was easy to put together, the Velcro strips is a brilliant idea! Sturdy, clean lines, slick and beautiful bed! Looks exactly like the photos. Headboard is cushioned and comfortable to lean on for reading. Height of both the bed and the headboard is perfect, headboard has two options for height to match with your mattress thickness. I paired it with 14 mattress, perfect fit / high enough headboard and no gap between mattress and headboard. I did an extensive research on beds, knew exactly what i wanted, and cant be happier i found it! Highly recommend, fantastic bed at a good price!
Nice bed but mine was damaged.
It was well designed for a easier build. The Headboard was thin so it looks cheap. I had assembled it before I saw the rip in the side board. Accepted it because I just wanted to sleep on my mattress off the floor. Wouldnt buy it again. Took pictures but couldnt seem to download. Will try again later.
Love it!
I needed a pop of dark color in my room and this bedframe did just that. I set this frame up by myself in a very small bedroom and had no issues. Doing it by yourself will take you a couple of hours with a break in between but once its finished it looks so chic. I also added bed risers because it is pretty low to the floor.
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