Very cute. Very nice for the price. Seat height of 17 is a little short, but its great for my shorter girlfriend of 411. Feels sturdy with the metal legs, and the chair can even hold me at 225lbs. Great buy.
The chair was exactly what I was looking for. Unfortunately when I began to assemble the chair, and began to lay out the pieces necessary for assembly, as pictured in directions, I realized the chair arrived with several pieces missing. I contacted the seller, described the situation, and even took pictures of the pieces I had, and which pieces were missing. I laid out the information very precisely.
Best purchase yet! Purchased for an at home desk. The chair is shorter than most but I needed the dimensions to be small enough to fit under a childrens desk but also be large enough for an adult to sit and this worked out perfectly. Customer service was also very attentive to my questions. A lot of chairs I was viewing on had that California warning for contents contain chemicals that may be linked to cancer etc etc and this one DIDNT so that was also a huge plus. I dont normally notice warnings like those but figured better safe than sorry. So I have the perfect little chair. Easy to put together and is comfortable. If you plan to spend long hours in it it may be a little uncomfortable since the back is so low you cant really lean back but for my needs its great.
Great buy.
Very cute. Very nice for the price. Seat height of 17 is a little short, but its great for my shorter girlfriend of 411. Feels sturdy with the metal legs, and the chair can even hold me at 225lbs. Great buy.
Perfect for kids and smaller adults
Love it. Its a small small chair, its a chair for ants (zoolander). I just wish it was a bit taller But overall very sturdy
Better directions.Matching decor
Best chair
Very nice. Easy to assemble and very comfortable
Would definitely buy again. Love the item but it was too low. The height was not what I thought.
Perfect little chair.
Easy to assemble. Very sturdy. Chair was packed well. Was easy to assemble and fits perfectly where I put it.
For the price its great
Buy it again. Its cute and sturdy. Have it as a vanity chair.
Looks great!
Thanks. Well made, easy to assemble. Looks great!
Missing pieces made it impossible to assemble what would have been a great chair.
The chair was exactly what I was looking for. Unfortunately when I began to assemble the chair, and began to lay out the pieces necessary for assembly, as pictured in directions, I realized the chair arrived with several pieces missing. I contacted the seller, described the situation, and even took pictures of the pieces I had, and which pieces were missing. I laid out the information very precisely.
Bargain in comparison to most chairs
Best purchase yet! Purchased for an at home desk. The chair is shorter than most but I needed the dimensions to be small enough to fit under a childrens desk but also be large enough for an adult to sit and this worked out perfectly. Customer service was also very attentive to my questions. A lot of chairs I was viewing on had that California warning for contents contain chemicals that may be linked to cancer etc etc and this one DIDNT so that was also a huge plus. I dont normally notice warnings like those but figured better safe than sorry. So I have the perfect little chair. Easy to put together and is comfortable. If you plan to spend long hours in it it may be a little uncomfortable since the back is so low you cant really lean back but for my needs its great.
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