The bike was aming and still worth the price however I did notice that when I went outside with it, it easily got punctured by a small thorn. It got so bad that I had to replace the tire and protection. Otherwise it was still an aming experience.
Received my bike earlier than expected and it was very easy to assemble. All you have to do is lock in handle bars, the seat, and screw on pedals for the most part. The bike is really smooth, and the pedal assist is really nice.
However, at a little over 8 miles I felt a clunk and then the chain locked up. Luckily, I was able to just full electric back home. When I got home, I could see the guard looking thing on the derailleur broke and I just noticed it looks like it scuffed up the gears and nicked a few teeth as well. Waiting to to hear back from seller to see how well customer service is and I will update review based on that performance.
Changed to a 4/star review. As the bike was defective it may have more than likely been a shipping defect. worked with me diligently to resolve the matter without continuous persistence.
Very easy to assemble. We bought two bikes and love them. Great for getting out on the weekends and it forces us to exercise, the more you pedal the further you go.
I figured out how to correct the battery insertion issue however I still need someone to contact me about lining up the handlebars! (See photo) The bike rides beautifully is super quiet and the 4 inch tires really make for a smooth ride very pleased with the purchase now that I got the battery to insert
1st Ebike owned. Put it together really easily right out of the box. Did not even have time to put air in the tires. I loaded it up in my van and went to the shop to have the van worked on. They filled my tires up and I was off!!! I was so impressed with this bike. Super fun and easy to ride. 1.7 miles into the ride, I picked up a screw and got a rear flat. Fixed that and now Im ready for the weekend. Dont know how I went so long without having one of these!! My friends with Ebikes said it would Ruin my life for Motorcycle riding. They were right. Get one of these. Great bike for the price
Best ebike for the price but tires gets punctured easily
The bike was aming and still worth the price however I did notice that when I went outside with it, it easily got punctured by a small thorn. It got so bad that I had to replace the tire and protection. Otherwise it was still an aming experience.
Derailleur broke after 8 miles waiting on fix may update review
Received my bike earlier than expected and it was very easy to assemble. All you have to do is lock in handle bars, the seat, and screw on pedals for the most part. The bike is really smooth, and the pedal assist is really nice. However, at a little over 8 miles I felt a clunk and then the chain locked up. Luckily, I was able to just full electric back home. When I got home, I could see the guard looking thing on the derailleur broke and I just noticed it looks like it scuffed up the gears and nicked a few teeth as well. Waiting to to hear back from seller to see how well customer service is and I will update review based on that performance. Update Changed to a 4/star review. As the bike was defective it may have more than likely been a shipping defect. worked with me diligently to resolve the matter without continuous persistence.
great bike
great bike at a good price. good value
Good looking bike.
This is a very nice bike, it really wants to go! Very good looking too.
Great customer service
Product as advertised. Small issue handled quickly by customer.
Try to use the handle bar control when in a tight situation rather than pedal.
Very easy to assemble. We bought two bikes and love them. Great for getting out on the weekends and it forces us to exercise, the more you pedal the further you go.
Nice bike
The handle bar heyght is a bit off to the seat
Review update
I figured out how to correct the battery insertion issue however I still need someone to contact me about lining up the handlebars! (See photo) The bike rides beautifully is super quiet and the 4 inch tires really make for a smooth ride very pleased with the purchase now that I got the battery to insert
Super Fun Ebike
1st Ebike owned. Put it together really easily right out of the box. Did not even have time to put air in the tires. I loaded it up in my van and went to the shop to have the van worked on. They filled my tires up and I was off!!! I was so impressed with this bike. Super fun and easy to ride. 1.7 miles into the ride, I picked up a screw and got a rear flat. Fixed that and now Im ready for the weekend. Dont know how I went so long without having one of these!! My friends with Ebikes said it would Ruin my life for Motorcycle riding. They were right. Get one of these. Great bike for the price
Great on trails
Quiet transportation on wooded trails.
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