Love this frame! Easy to assemble and sturdy. Bought a 4 inch memory foam mattress for it and wish I had gotten the thicker mattress. But its a great addition to my guest room for my grandson. Doesnt take as much space as a regular bed frame. Works great!
We have ordered 3 different bed frames. 2 of the 3 came with a dent In the opening where the corner connecting leg inserts. We were able to fix it both times so that the connecting piece can insert properly but it was odd that it was the same issue with 2 different frames. Maybe a manufacturing issue?
However, I do appreciate how easy it is to set up! They include all the tools you need to assemble. The frame is super sturdy! Nice well made.
The bed is extremely easy to assemble. I was able to put it together myself in under an hour. The wood slays are pretty sturdy. The Allen key/wrench they give you is literally worth this entire purchase. When the bed begins to loosen up its very easy and quick to tighten it back up with this handy little tool! Quality products.
Very sturdy and easy to put together. Great height and has lots of room below bed (which my dogs love). Only flaw is one of the shorter s screws would not go into the last hole and we had to use an extra large screw instead. Overall I would recommend this bed to anyone on a budget (or not) and would buy the bed again. Nice product.
Good bed frame for the price
Easy set up, nice color. Only problem is that there is no lip on the frame itself so my sons mattress tends to slip off. Really good.
Sturdy and attractive
Love this frame! Easy to assemble and sturdy. Bought a 4 inch memory foam mattress for it and wish I had gotten the thicker mattress. But its a great addition to my guest room for my grandson. Doesnt take as much space as a regular bed frame. Works great!
Good quality
Easy to put together, well built, nice looking Very pleased!
The base does not come with a headboard
I havent opened it yet hope this is all Well made, easy to assemble and useful.
Good Bed Frame
Solid, easy to put together, looks nice. Solid and basic.
works fine, didnt realize it didnt include a bad
Easy to assemble and sturdy Smaller than I expected.
Dented connecting point.
We have ordered 3 different bed frames. 2 of the 3 came with a dent In the opening where the corner connecting leg inserts. We were able to fix it both times so that the connecting piece can insert properly but it was odd that it was the same issue with 2 different frames. Maybe a manufacturing issue? However, I do appreciate how easy it is to set up! They include all the tools you need to assemble. The frame is super sturdy! Nice well made.
The Wrench They Send You Is Worth It Honestly
The bed is extremely easy to assemble. I was able to put it together myself in under an hour. The wood slays are pretty sturdy. The Allen key/wrench they give you is literally worth this entire purchase. When the bed begins to loosen up its very easy and quick to tighten it back up with this handy little tool! Quality products.
Would Recommend
Very sturdy and easy to put together. Great height and has lots of room below bed (which my dogs love). Only flaw is one of the shorter s screws would not go into the last hole and we had to use an extra large screw instead. Overall I would recommend this bed to anyone on a budget (or not) and would buy the bed again. Nice product.
Quality and Style
I was very happy with the quality of the bed frames. A good choice for the price. Pretty sturdy. Good size.
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