I bought the queen size and I am not disappointed in any way. Seller is very communicative and will help you get your order to your front door with ease. My bed fit perfectly and now I sleep without any worries!
It was fairly easy to assemble with only one person and it comes with all the tools you need making it really convenient and quick to put together. Upon completion it does wobble a little especially around the head board but it still seems fairly sturdy. Also if you try to tighten the screws just a little too much you will strip them so just something to keep in mind. Otherwise its a great bed frame for the money and it looks great in any smaller sized room!
Decently easy to assemble, pretty sturdy but can be a bit squeaky the first week or so but its minimal. It can hold a decent amount of weight with 0 shifting; though Id recommend getting a thicker mattress with this frame. Well worth the money!
Directions arent any help
Easy to assemble, Very sturdy Very pleased considering price.
So happy I bought this one!
I bought the queen size and I am not disappointed in any way. Seller is very communicative and will help you get your order to your front door with ease. My bed fit perfectly and now I sleep without any worries!
Looks Great but Just a Little Wobbly
It was fairly easy to assemble with only one person and it comes with all the tools you need making it really convenient and quick to put together. Upon completion it does wobble a little especially around the head board but it still seems fairly sturdy. Also if you try to tighten the screws just a little too much you will strip them so just something to keep in mind. Otherwise its a great bed frame for the money and it looks great in any smaller sized room!
Very good bed frame.
Nothing to dislike. Very impressed. Set up was easy and came with tools.
Well worth the money.
Decently easy to assemble, pretty sturdy but can be a bit squeaky the first week or so but its minimal. It can hold a decent amount of weight with 0 shifting; though Id recommend getting a thicker mattress with this frame. Well worth the money!
good quality bed
easy to assemble and very sturdy. nice height too!
Elegant but contemporary
Love the style and sturdiness to a great price.
This is a strong bed but a bit boring when fixing it. too many screws
Not easy to assemble but is a nice bed
Love it!
Easy Assemble true to size. Looks real chic for the value. Im very happy with this purchase.
Took about an hour to put together
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