The only problem I had is putting the stands in the middle on due to the parts not tightening like they should. The nut did not screw all the way up the bolt to tighten so the legs marked I are moving around I love it!!
Bed frame was hard to assemble, it literally took 3/4 people to put it together and also one of the legs in the frame was not measured correctly, we could NOT get it to go into the hole with the screws, I literally had to drill an extra hole to try and make it fit but even that didnt work, so we ended up just tying it to the leg and frame with a rope, also my sons mattress doesnt fit all the way in, it sticks out a little at the end. Its an okayish good product.
Bed was easy to assemble for the most part. Some of the screw threading was wonky and had to rescrew them at different angles. Bed was packaged to keep it protected but we found leg on the foot board part scratched up! Not very high so be prepared to store shoes or short things underneath. Love, love, love it!
Easy to assembling and comfortable
This is perfect base. Easy to assembling and very quiet. There is no distraction when sleeping Perfect size and color for my needs.
Directions could be better
The only problem I had is putting the stands in the middle on due to the parts not tightening like they should. The nut did not screw all the way up the bolt to tighten so the legs marked I are moving around I love it!!
Its sturdy
It is real sturdy Would definitely buy again!
very reasonably priced as well.
Exactly what I ordered. Great purchase. Cute and comfortable
Not right fit.
Bed frame was hard to assemble, it literally took 3/4 people to put it together and also one of the legs in the frame was not measured correctly, we could NOT get it to go into the hole with the screws, I literally had to drill an extra hole to try and make it fit but even that didnt work, so we ended up just tying it to the leg and frame with a rope, also my sons mattress doesnt fit all the way in, it sticks out a little at the end. Its an okayish good product.
Cheap solution for my teen
Bed was easy to assemble for the most part. Some of the screw threading was wonky and had to rescrew them at different angles. Bed was packaged to keep it protected but we found leg on the foot board part scratched up! Not very high so be prepared to store shoes or short things underneath. Love, love, love it!
Happy granddaughters
Sturdiness it is very pretty.
Its pretty
Love the bed but it was a whole bitch to put up. I was very excited to receive!
Great seller
Great item Very stylish and great quality!
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