Its a straight forward frame to assemble, that has some fiddly bits which are awkwardly located. But the frame itself is aesthetically pleasing, quiet (ahem) and sturdy.
The photos are accurate to what you get, but set aside a good hour or so for assembly. Good,
It took me over 2 hours to put this together by myself and Im still not 100 sure I did it right. It was worth the effort. The frame is very sturdy. I love the headboard. Just as seen in the picture!!!
Its not sturdy all. It was not easy to assemble unless you have the exact right tools and sometimes the screws come loose and fall out no matter how tight we tighten them they still eventually come loose time after time. Its very low to the ground and wished it was higher and more sturdy. I bought bed lifters at Walmart to lift it up some and I recommend you get a thick mattress! This works.
This product arrived with a major defect in the weld on the primary frame connecting the left hand support to the head of the bed I was able to compensate for this do you think by using industrial zip ties and gorilla glue and due to the fact that the product was very large and heavy and would have required more time to disassemble repackage and return to a UPS facilityI decided to attempt to make it work through this week rather than go through that process it appears to be holding up well other than his defective product was in good condition and all their time consuming was fairly simple to construct the instructions were a bit confusing in some places would not recommend a child or and and technically experienced adult attempt you can stretch without assistance Do the work.
I love this bed! Between the mattress, my boyfriend, and I we have 500 lbs and there is no sha or squea at all. The only thing is I wish the headboard came up a little higher. I have a tall mattress. Fair for the price.
great product
Exactly as pictured! Better than expected.
A Recommendation
Great Headboard for the Money. Looks just as shown was what I expected would recommend this Works great.
Meets expectations
I was skeptical about this bed. However after putting it together I loved it ! loves it!
Good loo frame. Solid construction and good value.
Its a straight forward frame to assemble, that has some fiddly bits which are awkwardly located. But the frame itself is aesthetically pleasing, quiet (ahem) and sturdy. The photos are accurate to what you get, but set aside a good hour or so for assembly. Good,
Sturdy but Time consuming
It took me over 2 hours to put this together by myself and Im still not 100 sure I did it right. It was worth the effort. The frame is very sturdy. I love the headboard. Just as seen in the picture!!!
Not easy to put together
The bed was not easy to put together took me three hours to put together Very durable.
Great bed
Love the bed. We ordered a twin size for the spare room Very good value.
Not very sturdy
Its not sturdy all. It was not easy to assemble unless you have the exact right tools and sometimes the screws come loose and fall out no matter how tight we tighten them they still eventually come loose time after time. Its very low to the ground and wished it was higher and more sturdy. I bought bed lifters at Walmart to lift it up some and I recommend you get a thick mattress! This works.
Check welds on this product before assembly!!!!
This product arrived with a major defect in the weld on the primary frame connecting the left hand support to the head of the bed I was able to compensate for this do you think by using industrial zip ties and gorilla glue and due to the fact that the product was very large and heavy and would have required more time to disassemble repackage and return to a UPS facilityI decided to attempt to make it work through this week rather than go through that process it appears to be holding up well other than his defective product was in good condition and all their time consuming was fairly simple to construct the instructions were a bit confusing in some places would not recommend a child or and and technically experienced adult attempt you can stretch without assistance Do the work.
Very sturdy
I love this bed! Between the mattress, my boyfriend, and I we have 500 lbs and there is no sha or squea at all. The only thing is I wish the headboard came up a little higher. I have a tall mattress. Fair for the price.
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