It is just what I needed for a chair next to the bed in m spared bedroom. A bit firm, but quite sturdy. Assembly instructions very minimal, no text - took quite a bit of time to figure out. I am usually pretty good at assembly. A few words of instruction would have made it simple to assemble.
Some reviews said it was difficult to assemble because there were no pre-drilled holes. I didnt find that to be a problem and found that It was very easy to assemble. I love how it looks in my living room. Im worried about the fabric getting dirty(probably not the best choice for a mom with two kids) but so far its doing well and really steps up the style in my space. Nice and sturdy too. Love it.
Chair is very comfortable. I couldn't put it together but my husband didnt have any problems. I am using as a computer chair,love it. Material is very good quality.
I was really hesitant to buy these, but glad I did. They are not the most comfortable chair. But, with use, Ive found them to get a little softer over time (at least the bottom cushion). For the back, I purchased a nice memory foam lumbar pillow, and theyve worked out to be the missing element to make these pretty comfortable sitting chair. I can easily spend a few hours reading a good book, now, with no discomfort.
For the money, this has turned out much better than I had hoped for.
This is a very nice looking chair. The wooden armrest and legs appear to be made out of real wood. wood finish is very smooth and soft to the touch. There's also a very sturdy chair. I ordered the blue fabric. It is very nice-looking. I would not purchase this chair if you are looking for a chair to sit in for long periods of time. It is a very firm chair. The backrest does not have a lot of padding. I would highly recommend this chair if you intend to put it in a guest room or hallway. Assembly was relatively simple. I was able to do it by myself. Although, it is a two-person job ideally.
This chair looks very nice and is durable in our family room with toddlers. However it is very uncomfortable, its like sitting on a rock. Recommended for looks only, if you will be sitting in the chair, consider other options.
Looks expensive! But its not, stupid easy to put together
Very easy to assemble. Needed a chair in a corner and voila.
Good value
It is just what I needed for a chair next to the bed in m spared bedroom. A bit firm, but quite sturdy. Assembly instructions very minimal, no text - took quite a bit of time to figure out. I am usually pretty good at assembly. A few words of instruction would have made it simple to assemble.
Scratches easy
This is a great price for a cute chair that goes together easy and looks just like the picture. My only beef is that the wood scratches really easy.
Sturdy, stylish, and good quality
Some reviews said it was difficult to assemble because there were no pre-drilled holes. I didnt find that to be a problem and found that It was very easy to assemble. I love how it looks in my living room. Im worried about the fabric getting dirty(probably not the best choice for a mom with two kids) but so far its doing well and really steps up the style in my space. Nice and sturdy too. Love it.
Looks great in my office
Looks great in my office
Comfortable, stylish, good quality.
Chair is very comfortable. I couldn't put it together but my husband didnt have any problems. I am using as a computer chair,love it. Material is very good quality.
Great value, but needs an extra pillow (or two) to make it comfortable.
I was really hesitant to buy these, but glad I did. They are not the most comfortable chair. But, with use, Ive found them to get a little softer over time (at least the bottom cushion). For the back, I purchased a nice memory foam lumbar pillow, and theyve worked out to be the missing element to make these pretty comfortable sitting chair. I can easily spend a few hours reading a good book, now, with no discomfort. For the money, this has turned out much better than I had hoped for.
Very nice looking chair, somewhat comfortable
This is a very nice looking chair. The wooden armrest and legs appear to be made out of real wood. wood finish is very smooth and soft to the touch. There's also a very sturdy chair. I ordered the blue fabric. It is very nice-looking. I would not purchase this chair if you are looking for a chair to sit in for long periods of time. It is a very firm chair. The backrest does not have a lot of padding. I would highly recommend this chair if you intend to put it in a guest room or hallway. Assembly was relatively simple. I was able to do it by myself. Although, it is a two-person job ideally.
Looks nice, very uncomfortable
This chair looks very nice and is durable in our family room with toddlers. However it is very uncomfortable, its like sitting on a rock. Recommended for looks only, if you will be sitting in the chair, consider other options.
Easy to assemble, comfortable, pretty chair
Great chair for an office
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