The bed was mostly easy to assemble it will take two people in a couple of spots during assembly. So far the bed appears sturdy. It was missing two screws nothing a quick trip to the hardware store couldnt sort out. I would recommend the bed if its in your shopping list. Space saver.
Took me three hours to build this only because I put this together by myself. Instructions were easy and all the parts were in the box. Boxes came in separate but only two days apart. I really like this bunk bed, sturdy and affordable. My daughter loves it. Thank you so much.
My husband assembled this by himself while I was at work. Took some time but came together nicely. It looks great and I love the flat steps for my 2 young boys. The only reason I gave it 4 stars is because a lot of the poles and sides were really scratched up coming out of the box. Overall love the bed and my boys do too! Super.
The bed came in two boxes with out damage. The directions are of little value. The pictures of assembly are good. Bed is well made and sturdy. One outside leg piece was missing two hole inserts into which the bolts were to be screwed. With no bolt inserts we had to hold the pieces together with masking tape, until we could drill outside holes with large washers to connect the parts. Because it is in the front, it looks like an add on.
Generally, very pleased with the price and sturdy construction. One very good addition with this bed that all others I checked did not have, was flat steps on the ladder and rubber tops are included to make climbing safe and much better for the feet than the others that have only round tubes for steps. This extra feature is enough to purchase this bed over all the others shown on Verizon and other catalogs.
I recommend this bed Great price and somewhat durable.
Purchased this frame because of looks and weight limit claims. This way I know that even if multiple kids are on the bed it wont collapse.
Frame assembly was pretty straight forward not sure why some had trouble. Just pay attention to the instructions.
Once assembled it looks great and seems sturdy. Had family visit and the bed was a hit. Looks nice and sturdy.
Shipping was fast. Assembly took 2 people (my step/dad and fiance) and took about 2 hours to completely assemble. I got this bed for my 14 year old daughter, who will sleep on the bottom bunk, and my 5 year old daughter, who wanted the top bunk. Both of them really like their new bed! Its quite sturdy and doesnt make noise when they move around in it. All/around it is a great bunk bed! easy assemble, exactly as expected, space saver.
Good product for the price
The bed was mostly easy to assemble it will take two people in a couple of spots during assembly. So far the bed appears sturdy. It was missing two screws nothing a quick trip to the hardware store couldnt sort out. I would recommend the bed if its in your shopping list. Space saver.
Love it
Took me three hours to build this only because I put this together by myself. Instructions were easy and all the parts were in the box. Boxes came in separate but only two days apart. I really like this bunk bed, sturdy and affordable. My daughter loves it. Thank you so much.
Very sturdy
The plans are incorrect, but easy to figure out the right way Very functional.
Great bunk bed for the price!
My husband assembled this by himself while I was at work. Took some time but came together nicely. It looks great and I love the flat steps for my 2 young boys. The only reason I gave it 4 stars is because a lot of the poles and sides were really scratched up coming out of the box. Overall love the bed and my boys do too! Super.
Wait capacity the materrial is not to strong.
The material is not strong I have to put a play wood so the tubes dont bend.
Sturdy construction and flat rubber covered streps
The bed came in two boxes with out damage. The directions are of little value. The pictures of assembly are good. Bed is well made and sturdy. One outside leg piece was missing two hole inserts into which the bolts were to be screwed. With no bolt inserts we had to hold the pieces together with masking tape, until we could drill outside holes with large washers to connect the parts. Because it is in the front, it looks like an add on. Generally, very pleased with the price and sturdy construction. One very good addition with this bed that all others I checked did not have, was flat steps on the ladder and rubber tops are included to make climbing safe and much better for the feet than the others that have only round tubes for steps. This extra feature is enough to purchase this bed over all the others shown on Verizon and other catalogs. I recommend this bed Great price and somewhat durable.
Dont waste time or money
The instructions are AWFUL. We spent 5 hours taking everything apart three times and STILL didnt get the whole bed put together correctly.
Good stuff
Purchased this frame because of looks and weight limit claims. This way I know that even if multiple kids are on the bed it wont collapse. Frame assembly was pretty straight forward not sure why some had trouble. Just pay attention to the instructions. Once assembled it looks great and seems sturdy. Had family visit and the bed was a hit. Looks nice and sturdy.
Very difficult to put together but when you do it is a very sturdy bed. Not very fancy looking but works thanks great product.
Great bunk bed! Even better price
Shipping was fast. Assembly took 2 people (my step/dad and fiance) and took about 2 hours to completely assemble. I got this bed for my 14 year old daughter, who will sleep on the bottom bunk, and my 5 year old daughter, who wanted the top bunk. Both of them really like their new bed! Its quite sturdy and doesnt make noise when they move around in it. All/around it is a great bunk bed! easy assemble, exactly as expected, space saver.
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