It was ok to assemble but the rail for the top bunk didnt have a hole for you to screw it in . So we had to make one but it was to late because my grandson wrecked it before we could get to the store the next day Good deal and was easy to put together.
Stressed out with so many brands to choose from, but these are perfect for our granddaughters (8 4) very sturdy, instructions not the best, but well worth the money! 6 memory foam mattresses on both, definitely could have went thicker, but still super happy! I love it space saver I am back to buy another one.
My husband assembled it and said who ever cut these pieces dont know what they were doing. The top railing didnt fit we had to hammer the sides for it to be able to fit. So frustrating!! It is sturdy tho. Excellent product!
The ends are very similar. You have to pay very close attention to make sure you get them in the correct position. This product could be improved by adding the six extra holes that are necessary to place the ladder at the opposite end of the bed. I drilled them and reversed the ladder because of the placement of the bed in the room. It was easy to mirror image the holes but would have been nice if they were already there. Bought two great value for the money, durable.
Im really happy with this bunk bed for a number of reasons/ its sturdy and can handle two little boys climbing all over it, its nice looking, and I like that its lower so the top has a lot of room with an 8 ceiling. The price is really awesome for the quality. For those who are afraid of the set up I actually thought it was a piece of cake. The instructions and other reviews made it sound difficult and like you needed a lot of people, but I did it with one adult (myself only) and two toddlers and a baby helping. I definitely would recommend this bed! Great Product.
We love it. We read reviews about assembling We didnt have any issues. My husband and I had it together in about an hour. I recommend using 2 people and keeping your parts organized. Also the instructions were very beneficial. The trickiest part was getting the support bars into their holes. We inserted them on one side completely and then played the other rail flat underneath the open ends. We then carefully turned the bar in unison and all the supports went right in. If you choose to buy this bed you will know what I mean when you get to that step. Only three of the support beams lock the others are free floating in the frame (which isnt a structural issue once its put together its just a mechanical puzzle to get it there unless you do our trick). This is in our teen girls bedroom and so far they love it. The bottom sister is picky in general and says she hasnt noticed once that her sister has rocked the bed. The biggest complaint we would have is that the rubber treads on the ladder are not super secure. The adhesive strip is not high quality but we will give it time to see if it will set in place better (think foam adhesive strip). We figured it would be an easy fix with gorilla glue if the treads dont stay on. Nice!
I like the price and the sturdiness of the bed and the kids really love it. I dislike the way of setting up the bed but with the help of the kids we were able to get it together and only having to take it down only once. The instructions could be a little better but overall it is a great product and great for the kids. I like it.
Love it
Aming strong Save some money and buy this.
Nice bed.
Nice bed. Took us along time to assemble. Looks okay. But how sturdy it is will be a question until we start using it. So far its good. Expected.
There wasnt a whole for the top bed rail by the stairs. The one that keeps you from falling
It was ok to assemble but the rail for the top bunk didnt have a hole for you to screw it in . So we had to make one but it was to late because my grandson wrecked it before we could get to the store the next day Good deal and was easy to put together.
Well worth the money!! Love them!
Stressed out with so many brands to choose from, but these are perfect for our granddaughters (8 4) very sturdy, instructions not the best, but well worth the money! 6 memory foam mattresses on both, definitely could have went thicker, but still super happy! I love it space saver I am back to buy another one.
Easy to assemble. Took an hour and a half to assemble by myself. The bed is very well stabilized. Easy directions.
Needs to be properly cut
My husband assembled it and said who ever cut these pieces dont know what they were doing. The top railing didnt fit we had to hammer the sides for it to be able to fit. So frustrating!! It is sturdy tho. Excellent product!
One little improvement
The ends are very similar. You have to pay very close attention to make sure you get them in the correct position. This product could be improved by adding the six extra holes that are necessary to place the ladder at the opposite end of the bed. I drilled them and reversed the ladder because of the placement of the bed in the room. It was easy to mirror image the holes but would have been nice if they were already there. Bought two great value for the money, durable.
Cool bed
Im really happy with this bunk bed for a number of reasons/ its sturdy and can handle two little boys climbing all over it, its nice looking, and I like that its lower so the top has a lot of room with an 8 ceiling. The price is really awesome for the quality. For those who are afraid of the set up I actually thought it was a piece of cake. The instructions and other reviews made it sound difficult and like you needed a lot of people, but I did it with one adult (myself only) and two toddlers and a baby helping. I definitely would recommend this bed! Great Product.
Sturdy Bunk
We love it. We read reviews about assembling We didnt have any issues. My husband and I had it together in about an hour. I recommend using 2 people and keeping your parts organized. Also the instructions were very beneficial. The trickiest part was getting the support bars into their holes. We inserted them on one side completely and then played the other rail flat underneath the open ends. We then carefully turned the bar in unison and all the supports went right in. If you choose to buy this bed you will know what I mean when you get to that step. Only three of the support beams lock the others are free floating in the frame (which isnt a structural issue once its put together its just a mechanical puzzle to get it there unless you do our trick). This is in our teen girls bedroom and so far they love it. The bottom sister is picky in general and says she hasnt noticed once that her sister has rocked the bed. The biggest complaint we would have is that the rubber treads on the ladder are not super secure. The adhesive strip is not high quality but we will give it time to see if it will set in place better (think foam adhesive strip). We figured it would be an easy fix with gorilla glue if the treads dont stay on. Nice!
Love the bed
I like the price and the sturdiness of the bed and the kids really love it. I dislike the way of setting up the bed but with the help of the kids we were able to get it together and only having to take it down only once. The instructions could be a little better but overall it is a great product and great for the kids. I like it.
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