This is a very cheap in price bunk bed and is true to the pictures. It is sturdy perfect for a 8 6 year old. It will last us for the 2 years we need it Very sturdy.
The bed itself seems fine. It was fairly easy to put together. However, one of the long screws did not have its screw head cut out so it could not be screwed in with the Allen wrench making the screw useless. I asked the manufacturer for a replacement screw and they wanted information like where the bed was made (how do I know and who cares?) and a picture of the beds sticker (what?). My order should be enough information for them. So, I went and bought a screw to replace it and deleted their email. With better customer service they might get 5 stars. Perfect and Sturdy.
We purchased this for a 6 year old 3 year old. Great bunkbed for the money. Most of this was assembled by one person, but youll need a second person to lift the top bunk onto the lower bunk. It doesnt seem to be super sturdy but works well for the price. Thanks!
Wanted a bed that I could split onto two when my kids got there own room. It was a nightmare to assemble took use 2 hours with two adults working it. Im a little sketched out by IT. It is not made for heavy kids and it is help together by two small sticks. But i love it. Very easy to assemble!
We just got this bed and assembled it. It seems solid and well made. There are a lot of parts and it takes a bit of time to assemble, but its not difficult. You will probably want a power screwdriver; there are a lot of screws to drive.
The bed has not been slept in so maybe after a while Ill want to change the review, but for now it seems good.
But, we already had mattresses, and nowhere on s site do I see a warning that the mattress thickness can be no more than 8 inches! That information is in the instructions. Well, our mattresses are thicker, and it would not be safe to use one in the top bunk. So now I have to buy a different mattress. GRRR Takes up less space.
Only one important note for buyers is that is not recommended for children over 10/12 years old. because the wood parts for bottom of the mattress is not thick enough, and you can see their shape changes when a teenage be a bit heavy. very stable.
My babies love it!!! Worth the price !!!
Great value for quality
This is a very cheap in price bunk bed and is true to the pictures. It is sturdy perfect for a 8 6 year old. It will last us for the 2 years we need it Very sturdy.
Perfect bunks!!
The bed was pretty easy to assemble, The bed is perfect for my boys!! Its very solid!!! My kids love it!! Highly recommend!! this is good!
Hope all your screws come ready to use
The bed itself seems fine. It was fairly easy to put together. However, one of the long screws did not have its screw head cut out so it could not be screwed in with the Allen wrench making the screw useless. I asked the manufacturer for a replacement screw and they wanted information like where the bed was made (how do I know and who cares?) and a picture of the beds sticker (what?). My order should be enough information for them. So, I went and bought a screw to replace it and deleted their email. With better customer service they might get 5 stars. Perfect and Sturdy.
Great bunkbed for the price
We purchased this for a 6 year old 3 year old. Great bunkbed for the money. Most of this was assembled by one person, but youll need a second person to lift the top bunk onto the lower bunk. It doesnt seem to be super sturdy but works well for the price. Thanks!
Cheaply made
Not sturdy. Works for my 4 year olds but not something I would buy for anyone over the age of 6. Quality could be improved.
Long assemble
Wanted a bed that I could split onto two when my kids got there own room. It was a nightmare to assemble took use 2 hours with two adults working it. Im a little sketched out by IT. It is not made for heavy kids and it is help together by two small sticks. But i love it. Very easy to assemble!
Be careful of the Mattress Thickness!!!
We just got this bed and assembled it. It seems solid and well made. There are a lot of parts and it takes a bit of time to assemble, but its not difficult. You will probably want a power screwdriver; there are a lot of screws to drive. The bed has not been slept in so maybe after a while Ill want to change the review, but for now it seems good. But, we already had mattresses, and nowhere on s site do I see a warning that the mattress thickness can be no more than 8 inches! That information is in the instructions. Well, our mattresses are thicker, and it would not be safe to use one in the top bunk. So now I have to buy a different mattress. GRRR Takes up less space.
Missing items
Did not send enough hardware to complete the bed so Im very disappointed Not bad.
Totally valuable for this price.
Only one important note for buyers is that is not recommended for children over 10/12 years old. because the wood parts for bottom of the mattress is not thick enough, and you can see their shape changes when a teenage be a bit heavy. very stable.
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