Item arrived quickly, it was easy to assemble just remember the back is higher than the front, that can save you some unscrew. The bed is very sturdy was purchased for my mom and used with an 8 twin mattress. Its pretty though!
We finally received about a week late due to error in shipping ugh. This bed is Sturdy and stylish, my daughter loves it shes 13 and says shes sleeping comfortably feels secure not wobbly or flimsy. Much better than expected
Great bed so far! It doesnt get a ton of use since it is just for my guest bedroom but so far so good! The contents were labeled well and somewhat easy to put together with the exception of one part, you cant tell at first which way the legs fit. There is a side where the hole is normal and the other it is kind of indented? Its hard to explain but if you order it, youll understand when you receive it. I had to unassemble the whole thing and reassemble it. Not a big deal but it should have been better labeled. Very pretty.
We love our new guest room/office bed. It was easy to assemble. It is seems sturdy enough for my regular overnight guests. It was a great buy! I cant wait to get the new duvet and pillows to finish out the look. Perfect in every way.
I wish I could return it.
Very light weight. I wish it was a better quality. Very stylish and great quality!
Does the job!
Very cute for my 6yr old daughters bedroom! Easy to put together, and sturdy enough! SO happy!
Its a great frame for a day bed as well as a good size. Assembly was a bit confusing. Definitely looks nice.
Worth the money
Very sturdy, held me and my boyfriend fine (400lbs) Very impressed with the quality.
Great Daybed
Item arrived quickly, it was easy to assemble just remember the back is higher than the front, that can save you some unscrew. The bed is very sturdy was purchased for my mom and used with an 8 twin mattress. Its pretty though!
Sturdy and stylish
We finally received about a week late due to error in shipping ugh. This bed is Sturdy and stylish, my daughter loves it shes 13 and says shes sleeping comfortably feels secure not wobbly or flimsy. Much better than expected
good so far!
Great bed so far! It doesnt get a ton of use since it is just for my guest bedroom but so far so good! The contents were labeled well and somewhat easy to put together with the exception of one part, you cant tell at first which way the legs fit. There is a side where the hole is normal and the other it is kind of indented? Its hard to explain but if you order it, youll understand when you receive it. I had to unassemble the whole thing and reassemble it. Not a big deal but it should have been better labeled. Very pretty.
Great buy
We love our new guest room/office bed. It was easy to assemble. It is seems sturdy enough for my regular overnight guests. It was a great buy! I cant wait to get the new duvet and pillows to finish out the look. Perfect in every way.
good quality
Good sturdy bed frame. My daughter put it together in about 1 hour. Looks great in her room. What a great buy!
Great for more space
I got this for my sister for Christmas and she loves it built it on her own she wanted more space in her room so this was great Im enjoying it so far!
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