Instructions were easy to follow, took about 30 minutes to assemble. We have 2 kids in a small room so this is excellent for accomodating both of them. The lower bed rolls well on carpet. Sturdy so far.
The assembly without a drill would have taken a very long time, and the directions at times were not as clear as they could have been about which direction the pieces need to face. Now that it is built, its sturdy and looks great in the room. I do not like that the feet are plastic though. . I was expecting wood feet and theres no slider or anything to add to the bottom to protect the floors.
I ordered this bed a week ago. It was shipped fast and packaged well. The bed is sturdy. I was impressed with the overall look and build. Worth the money
We debated on getting a bunkbed with a futon bottom but ended up going with this instead and my son loves it! The trundle is perfect for sleepers and the day bed doubles as a couch for playing games with his friends
Weve used both beds kids love it. Sturdy, easy to put together, would suggest a a good buy. My 4 year old jumps on it more than she should and its done great handling her. Roller bed is easy to take out and slide back in. Very pretty bed as well
Love it
This is a space saver
Good quality, easy to assemble
Instructions were easy to follow, took about 30 minutes to assemble. We have 2 kids in a small room so this is excellent for accomodating both of them. The lower bed rolls well on carpet. Sturdy so far.
Not worth the money!
Very poorly designed. Wooden slats are used for the mattress foundation! Not worth the money beware of this product
Not easy to assemble but great product in the end
The assembly without a drill would have taken a very long time, and the directions at times were not as clear as they could have been about which direction the pieces need to face. Now that it is built, its sturdy and looks great in the room. I do not like that the feet are plastic though. . I was expecting wood feet and theres no slider or anything to add to the bottom to protect the floors.
Its a good price!
easy to assemble and its sturdy
Great quality
I ordered this bed a week ago. It was shipped fast and packaged well. The bed is sturdy. I was impressed with the overall look and build. Worth the money
Great for kids rooms
We debated on getting a bunkbed with a futon bottom but ended up going with this instead and my son loves it! The trundle is perfect for sleepers and the day bed doubles as a couch for playing games with his friends
Very cute bed!
Looks so good in person! My daughters love it.
Would buy again
Great quality and very sturdy
Suggested buy
Weve used both beds kids love it. Sturdy, easy to put together, would suggest a a good buy. My 4 year old jumps on it more than she should and its done great handling her. Roller bed is easy to take out and slide back in. Very pretty bed as well
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