We have had to move to a 9x10 bedroom and let me tell you that this daybed with trundle was definitely the best choice in saving space. It is super sturdy and well worth the price!!
A bit confusing initially to put together but became easier as the parts became more familiar. Good to have an additional person to hold the parts periodically while being put together.
impressive engineering. Parts fit nicely. Assembly instructions very well done. Some of the bolts could be shorter, less tedious. Recommend a 2/person assembly team. Recommend a driver with hex head, instead of the awkward allen wrench. Recommend using ratchet wrench instead of provided wrench. Nice fabric. seems very sturdy.
This bed was easy to assemble / and take apart. We had to move it into another room several months after setting it up and I was freaking out because we lost the directions. But it was so simple to put back together. It looks nice as well!
The bed is good quality and seems very sturdy. It too my husband and I 35 minutes to build. I bought it for my sons room and he is happy with it. My only complaint is the color. I ordered green and the bed is definitely on the blue scale. And blue want even a color choice.
I was impressed with this bed. Came with a thank you note and they even included a sturdy wrench and extra bolts just in case you lost one or two. Every part end was numbered to a another designated part number so putting it together was easy. Well made in my opinion. Would definitely buy it again.
A real must have
Absolutely love the bed! Multi purpose and great for the guest room.
Space Saver
We have had to move to a 9x10 bedroom and let me tell you that this daybed with trundle was definitely the best choice in saving space. It is super sturdy and well worth the price!!
A bit confusing initially to put together but became easier as the parts became more familiar. Good to have an additional person to hold the parts periodically while being put together.
Would buy it again
My kids love it
well/designed, excellent assembly directions
impressive engineering. Parts fit nicely. Assembly instructions very well done. Some of the bolts could be shorter, less tedious. Recommend a 2/person assembly team. Recommend a driver with hex head, instead of the awkward allen wrench. Recommend using ratchet wrench instead of provided wrench. Nice fabric. seems very sturdy.
Great quality bed for money. Very pleased with my purchase.
Should have ordered white daybed.
Easy all around
This bed was easy to assemble / and take apart. We had to move it into another room several months after setting it up and I was freaking out because we lost the directions. But it was so simple to put back together. It looks nice as well!
Great bed but dont count on color.
The bed is good quality and seems very sturdy. It too my husband and I 35 minutes to build. I bought it for my sons room and he is happy with it. My only complaint is the color. I ordered green and the bed is definitely on the blue scale. And blue want even a color choice.
I would buy this bed again.
I was impressed with this bed. Came with a thank you note and they even included a sturdy wrench and extra bolts just in case you lost one or two. Every part end was numbered to a another designated part number so putting it together was easy. Well made in my opinion. Would definitely buy it again.
trendel set is very nice, a good buy
there is nothing to dislike about this bed, easy to assemble, its sturdy and a good value for the money, very nice.
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