I was worried about how sturdy it would since I hadnt seen it in person before buying. I was very happily surprised to see it is very sturdy. The screws are super long and I am comfortable leaving my infant on the bottom bunk with my toddler on top. Gorgeous and Good Quality
The product looks great!we had a slight hiccup with one side of the headboard but the customer service team was great with their response and getting us the parts we need. I highly recommend. Very good value for high quality.
So, Its nice!! But super hard to assemble. Missing screws and wood pcs. Waiting to hear back from company. Kids have only slept on lower bunk because the rail is missing Good but not what I expected
got the bed just in time for my sons birthday. To find out it has no screws no instructions just boards. Very upsetting I rather of just got it on scheduled delivery time rather than them rushing my order. such a disappointment
This product is great easy assembly for most part except for middle bars that go across each bunk it is a hassle in less have 1 or 2 sets of additional hands which my kids helped for most part but other than that its great jus enough room for all my babies an height once assembled was slightly taller than bunk bed from Walmart in comparison to picture I am very pleased so far
This product is solid and a great value compared to other bunk beds that cant be separated. There was a discrepancy in the parts that are received compared to the images in the instructions. For instance the end safety caps for the bed posts are not the same as the ones pictured, and they fall out whenever they feel like it. I had to hot glue them on to keep them in place. but outside of this one issue very happy with my purchase. Very well built
Very nice product!! My daughter loves it!
Very nice product!! My daughter loves it! Looks atmospheric
Love it
My girls and I are obsessed! This bed is great for toddlers and its really not high, its just right. Stylish yet affordable
Happy with it
I was worried about how sturdy it would since I hadnt seen it in person before buying. I was very happily surprised to see it is very sturdy. The screws are super long and I am comfortable leaving my infant on the bottom bunk with my toddler on top. Gorgeous and Good Quality
Worth it!
The product looks great!we had a slight hiccup with one side of the headboard but the customer service team was great with their response and getting us the parts we need. I highly recommend. Very good value for high quality.
Sturdy and darling
Love it so much! IT is EXACTLY like pictured. Beautiful
Hard to set up. But nice
So, Its nice!! But super hard to assemble. Missing screws and wood pcs. Waiting to hear back from company. Kids have only slept on lower bunk because the rail is missing Good but not what I expected
got the bed just in time for my sons birthday. To find out it has no screws no instructions just boards. Very upsetting I rather of just got it on scheduled delivery time rather than them rushing my order. such a disappointment
Great product slight work
This product is great easy assembly for most part except for middle bars that go across each bunk it is a hassle in less have 1 or 2 sets of additional hands which my kids helped for most part but other than that its great jus enough room for all my babies an height once assembled was slightly taller than bunk bed from Walmart in comparison to picture I am very pleased so far
Easy to assemble with 2 people
Very sturdy !! Love the quality and arrived with no damages . Just follow the instructions and youll be fine!!
Solid Purchase
This product is solid and a great value compared to other bunk beds that cant be separated. There was a discrepancy in the parts that are received compared to the images in the instructions. For instance the end safety caps for the bed posts are not the same as the ones pictured, and they fall out whenever they feel like it. I had to hot glue them on to keep them in place. but outside of this one issue very happy with my purchase. Very well built
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