This was super annoying to put together. However, it was sturdy. My main complaint is that it is difficult for myself and my kid to convert the futon part to a bed. We have no dislikes
Very sturdy. Great quality. Easy to follow instructions. Takes a very long time to build though because you have to assemble every single bar onto the frame. LOVE LOVE!!
Love this! Bought it as a Christmas gift for my 10 yr old son. Put about 90 of it together by myself (due to my husband watching football). I love how simple and easy the instructions were (connect J to A and B using bolt 5) all the pieces were labeled clearly so no guessing games as to what they actually were. Once I unpacked the box, I laid the pieces out according to how it would look so it made it a little easier when assembling. Most of all, my son LOVES it! Hes going to middle school next year and we wanted to replace his kiddish twin bed. This is perfect replacement! ok value for the money
Alot of people say, so easy an idiot can do it! But this bed frame can brag that its so easy a 6 year old can do it. Me and my son took 2 hours out of out day and assembled it with ease, my son attached all lower pieces, and i attached all the higher. Excellent product. Nice for the price.
Was a pain to assemble (kinda like the Avengers sometimes lol) took me almost 2 hours. That being said, the final result is superb! Quality is very nice and feels very sturdy. At the time I was closed to 260lbs and it held me fine. Its in the girls room and they love it requ Good product for its value
Five Stars
Really sturdy! Love it
Super annoying assembly
This was super annoying to put together. However, it was sturdy. My main complaint is that it is difficult for myself and my kid to convert the futon part to a bed. We have no dislikes
Five Stars
Box was damaged but everything was ok It was packaged nicely
Nice bed. Lengthy assembly time.
Very sturdy. Great quality. Easy to follow instructions. Takes a very long time to build though because you have to assemble every single bar onto the frame. LOVE LOVE!!
Love this! Bought it as a Christmas gift for .
Love this! Bought it as a Christmas gift for my 10 yr old son. Put about 90 of it together by myself (due to my husband watching football). I love how simple and easy the instructions were (connect J to A and B using bolt 5) all the pieces were labeled clearly so no guessing games as to what they actually were. Once I unpacked the box, I laid the pieces out according to how it would look so it made it a little easier when assembling. Most of all, my son LOVES it! Hes going to middle school next year and we wanted to replace his kiddish twin bed. This is perfect replacement! ok value for the money
As described Mattresses are not included
As described Mattresses are not included Exactly what I was looking for
Four Stars
Super heavy, but great bed Value is good for the price
so easy an idiot can do it
Alot of people say, so easy an idiot can do it! But this bed frame can brag that its so easy a 6 year old can do it. Me and my son took 2 hours out of out day and assembled it with ease, my son attached all lower pieces, and i attached all the higher. Excellent product. Nice for the price.
If 2 girls can do it, you can too
Assembled in 4 hours by 2 girls. People need to quit whining about how hard assembly is. Exceeded my expectations
Some assembly required lol
Was a pain to assemble (kinda like the Avengers sometimes lol) took me almost 2 hours. That being said, the final result is superb! Quality is very nice and feels very sturdy. At the time I was closed to 260lbs and it held me fine. Its in the girls room and they love it requ Good product for its value
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