Easy to assemble and all the parts were there. Definitely not nice, its a cheap entertainment center that gets the job done. Not sure if it was the packaging or what, but I had to spend time wiping down every piece as it had lots of dust and foam materials stuck to it. I would buy again though, its a good value purchase.
This is a perfect console table for me. It is the perfect (low) height that I was looking for with plenty of storage space. Be warned, the height of the shelves really doesnt accommodate medium sized books but I just placed them inside horizontally. Any book larger than 8.5 inches is not going to fit. Overall though, very satisfied with my purchase. The item was damaged upon arrival but I can see how it was only damaged through delivery. Not the manufacturers fault. I would still recommend regardless of the damage.
My husband wants me to return it but my son in law already assembled it. Its too small and the depth is too shallow for our music system. May have to use for something else.
Pros: Good Looking, Surprisingly Sturdy, Relatively Easy to Assemble, Cheap
Cons: Small.
I was excited to get this cabinet on/sale (why I chose this one over other cabinets). It is very good looking, has a great design, great layout, and was pretty easy to assemble (you will need a hammer and screwdriver).
After assembly, I moved a table I was using as my TV stand and set the stand down to begin setting up the wiring. As I stepped back and looked at the stand, the feeling of disappointment hit all at once. This thing is smaller than the pictures make it out to be.
In fairness, the seller has put up an image with the dimensions that I didnt see and I feel is accurate.
Overall, Im happy with it. It looks good, is sturdy, and functions well. Its just small.
Great purchase
Im super happy with this purchase. It was affordable, quick and easy to install and looks great!
came out damaged
The furniture came defective and peeled in one part and painted please contact me return
Great for the cost
Easy to assemble and all the parts were there. Definitely not nice, its a cheap entertainment center that gets the job done. Not sure if it was the packaging or what, but I had to spend time wiping down every piece as it had lots of dust and foam materials stuck to it. I would buy again though, its a good value purchase.
Tv stand
Easy to assemble and perfect for the space.
Exactly what I was looking for
This is a perfect console table for me. It is the perfect (low) height that I was looking for with plenty of storage space. Be warned, the height of the shelves really doesnt accommodate medium sized books but I just placed them inside horizontally. Any book larger than 8.5 inches is not going to fit. Overall though, very satisfied with my purchase. The item was damaged upon arrival but I can see how it was only damaged through delivery. Not the manufacturers fault. I would still recommend regardless of the damage.
I wish it had a little more height to it
Easy to assemble and very sturdy. Much smaller than I expected.
Make sure ots the size i really need
My husband wants me to return it but my son in law already assembled it. Its too small and the depth is too shallow for our music system. May have to use for something else.
The Pictures Make It LOOK Bigger
Pros: Good Looking, Surprisingly Sturdy, Relatively Easy to Assemble, Cheap Cons: Small. I was excited to get this cabinet on/sale (why I chose this one over other cabinets). It is very good looking, has a great design, great layout, and was pretty easy to assemble (you will need a hammer and screwdriver). After assembly, I moved a table I was using as my TV stand and set the stand down to begin setting up the wiring. As I stepped back and looked at the stand, the feeling of disappointment hit all at once. This thing is smaller than the pictures make it out to be. In fairness, the seller has put up an image with the dimensions that I didnt see and I feel is accurate. Overall, Im happy with it. It looks good, is sturdy, and functions well. Its just small.
No hardware
I received my entertainment center today, but the hardware wasnt included. Just the boards. Where can I get the hardware for the nuts, bolts, screws.
Great value
Overall really nice affordable tv stand
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