It was very easy to assemble, my 12-year-old son helped me build it. My three girls, ages 8, 4, and 2, sleep on it every night and they love it. The trundle slides easily, so they have more space in their room when they need it. The only 'problem' so far is that the top bunk squeaks a little when you move around in it, but it's not that big of a deal. Also, a part of the trundle wheel comes off, but it goes back together easily, probably from my younger daughters jumping on it. Overall, it works well for our family!
I really love this bed! It's very sturdy and provides many sleeping options. The assembly process wasn't too difficult either. However, it seemed like the cardboard packaging may have stained it. So, I had to deep clean it before putting it together, and even then there were still some stains that I couldn't remove. Overall, despite the issue with staining, I'm very happy with the bed!
Out of all the bunk beds I've purchased, I have to say this one was a winner. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a sturdy and reliable bunk bed.
The product and quality were true to the description. It's a very nice triple bunk bed and at a fair price. I will definitely buy from this vendor again! Thank you.
We added some cool LED light strips and my son now has a new space to call his own, which he absolutely loves. The only thing we need to add is some padding on the ladder rungs for added comfort and safety. I'm extremely happy with this loft bed and would definitely recommend it to anyone in need of a practical and affordable sleeping solution for small living spaces.
I received this triple bunk bed as a gift, and I was able to bless a friend with it. It turned out to be the best gift for the family! The bed is incredibly sturdy, an excellent value for the price, and easy to assemble. I highly recommend getting your own triple bunk bed
I am very pleased with this bunk bed. It is exactly what I was looking for - compact yet sturdy. The bed takes up much less space than their previous beds, which is a huge plus. I really love the black metal design, as it looks sleek and modern.
Putting the bunk bed together required the effort of two people, especially given the small size of our room. However, it was worth it. Last weekend, we had 4 teenage girls sleep in it, and everything went smoothly. The bed is doing exactly what we need it to do - sleep multiple kids at our beach house
I am absolutely thrilled with my new triple bunk beds! My grandchildren can hardly wait to try them out. With limited space in the room, this was the perfect solution for accommodating more children in a small area. I'm not a fan of making bunk beds, but this configuration made the process much easier. The beds are remarkably sturdy, safe, and well-made, and I especially appreciate the full safety rail on the top bunk. Assembly was a team effort and took some time, but all the parts were included, well-labeled, and accompanied by clear instructions. I would definitely recommend this product!
Overall great purchase
It was very easy to assemble, my 12-year-old son helped me build it. My three girls, ages 8, 4, and 2, sleep on it every night and they love it. The trundle slides easily, so they have more space in their room when they need it. The only 'problem' so far is that the top bunk squeaks a little when you move around in it, but it's not that big of a deal. Also, a part of the trundle wheel comes off, but it goes back together easily, probably from my younger daughters jumping on it. Overall, it works well for our family!
Excellent!!! Kids loved it!!!!!
I really love this bed! It's very sturdy and provides many sleeping options. The assembly process wasn't too difficult either. However, it seemed like the cardboard packaging may have stained it. So, I had to deep clean it before putting it together, and even then there were still some stains that I couldn't remove. Overall, despite the issue with staining, I'm very happy with the bed!
Very sturdy
Out of all the bunk beds I've purchased, I have to say this one was a winner. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a sturdy and reliable bunk bed.
Great triple bunk!
The product and quality were true to the description. It's a very nice triple bunk bed and at a fair price. I will definitely buy from this vendor again! Thank you.
Great bed for the price.
We added some cool LED light strips and my son now has a new space to call his own, which he absolutely loves. The only thing we need to add is some padding on the ladder rungs for added comfort and safety. I'm extremely happy with this loft bed and would definitely recommend it to anyone in need of a practical and affordable sleeping solution for small living spaces.
Overall good
I received this triple bunk bed as a gift, and I was able to bless a friend with it. It turned out to be the best gift for the family! The bed is incredibly sturdy, an excellent value for the price, and easy to assemble. I highly recommend getting your own triple bunk bed
Extremely happy
This item may shake, but it is surprisingly sturdy. My kids adore it, and it has even helped create more space in their room.
Looks great, serves its purpose!
I am very pleased with this bunk bed. It is exactly what I was looking for - compact yet sturdy. The bed takes up much less space than their previous beds, which is a huge plus. I really love the black metal design, as it looks sleek and modern.
Great Buy!!
Putting the bunk bed together required the effort of two people, especially given the small size of our room. However, it was worth it. Last weekend, we had 4 teenage girls sleep in it, and everything went smoothly. The bed is doing exactly what we need it to do - sleep multiple kids at our beach house
Great beds I love them
I am absolutely thrilled with my new triple bunk beds! My grandchildren can hardly wait to try them out. With limited space in the room, this was the perfect solution for accommodating more children in a small area. I'm not a fan of making bunk beds, but this configuration made the process much easier. The beds are remarkably sturdy, safe, and well-made, and I especially appreciate the full safety rail on the top bunk. Assembly was a team effort and took some time, but all the parts were included, well-labeled, and accompanied by clear instructions. I would definitely recommend this product!
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