I love the bed and the way it looks. Its quite sturdy. My kids are loving it already. Took us a while to put it together but directions were not complicated though, were not too hard to follow once I laid everything down in alphabetical and numerical order. Overall a pretty decent product for a decent price.
Bought this for my daughters. So far so good. I was pleased with the quality. Assembly was not horrible. Anything delivered in pieces will take a little time. My daughters love it. I would buy again. If youre looking for a good bed at a good price I highly recommend!
The bed wobble the screws stripped when I tried to tighten them one was warped. Im so scared the bed will break in a few days I spent my money on something that wont even be used in the long wrong. I will never order a bed from here again
I was initially concerned about the quality of this bunk bed due to our limited budget for our daughters room remodel. Not only does she love the color and style which compliments her purple bedroom perfectly but it is very sturdy and well made. Great investment
Ordered and built two sets by myself. Im a single mom. Had my 12 year old help a little which made things easier but overall it wasnt bad. I made sure to tighten really good while building. My hands are sore today but not bad. I survived. None of my pieces were damaged. Everything is sturdy and seems durable. I am very please for the price. Having four kids I needed a great option to finally give them all their own bed and we only have a two bedroom so this was a perfect solution! The mattresses were off wayfair emma 6 memory foam (no springs) and theyre perfect for these bunk beds. All together I spent about 800 for the bunk beds, mattresses and bedding. Im pretty happy.
My husband was skeptical when I told him about the price of the bunk beds, but when we received them we were pleasantly surprised! The quality of the is great! The beds are VERY sturdy. This is an aming purchase! Very, very pleased!
Great bunkbeds for the price. Sturdy and easy to assemble. IT WILL COME IN 2 DELIVERIES. Dont fret over getting half of the parts at one time. Also, we thought it was easy to assemblethen again we are savvy with things like this. Our 2 boys love them. We love them. Good buy. Would recommend.
Great product for the price!
I love the bed and the way it looks. Its quite sturdy. My kids are loving it already. Took us a while to put it together but directions were not complicated though, were not too hard to follow once I laid everything down in alphabetical and numerical order. Overall a pretty decent product for a decent price.
Impressed with the quality and price
Bought this for my daughters. So far so good. I was pleased with the quality. Assembly was not horrible. Anything delivered in pieces will take a little time. My daughters love it. I would buy again. If youre looking for a good bed at a good price I highly recommend!
Just terrible
The bed wobble the screws stripped when I tried to tighten them one was warped. Im so scared the bed will break in a few days I spent my money on something that wont even be used in the long wrong. I will never order a bed from here again
The bunk bed is the perfect bed for my daughter
The bunk bed is the perfect bed for my daughter, it was easy to assemble and it is very sturdy. We are very satisfied with this purchase.
Aming value and quality
I was initially concerned about the quality of this bunk bed due to our limited budget for our daughters room remodel. Not only does she love the color and style which compliments her purple bedroom perfectly but it is very sturdy and well made. Great investment
Durable and cost friendly.
Ordered and built two sets by myself. Im a single mom. Had my 12 year old help a little which made things easier but overall it wasnt bad. I made sure to tighten really good while building. My hands are sore today but not bad. I survived. None of my pieces were damaged. Everything is sturdy and seems durable. I am very please for the price. Having four kids I needed a great option to finally give them all their own bed and we only have a two bedroom so this was a perfect solution! The mattresses were off wayfair emma 6 memory foam (no springs) and theyre perfect for these bunk beds. All together I spent about 800 for the bunk beds, mattresses and bedding. Im pretty happy.
Awesome quality!!!
My husband was skeptical when I told him about the price of the bunk beds, but when we received them we were pleasantly surprised! The quality of the is great! The beds are VERY sturdy. This is an aming purchase! Very, very pleased!
nice finish
Well built. All parts labeled. Real . Directions are not the best.
Aming quality, sturdy. Great looking
Love it
Good buy! Would reccomend!
Great bunkbeds for the price. Sturdy and easy to assemble. IT WILL COME IN 2 DELIVERIES. Dont fret over getting half of the parts at one time. Also, we thought it was easy to assemblethen again we are savvy with things like this. Our 2 boys love them. We love them. Good buy. Would recommend.
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