Very easy to put together. It is cute and it serves it purpose. I think it would be better if it was a little heavier because it is way too light. Overall, good product.
I bought this neat little stool so my little Chihuahua would not have to jump so high to get onto the Ottoman to get onto my very high bed. Assembly is simply screwing the four legs into the base. I got the navy color and I love it, so does my tiny dog!
Easy to Assemble
I like it because it is small and its not really in the way and it matches my furniture and i uses it for a foot stool
A perfect little footstool for my dog to get up on the couch
Perfect little foot stool for my dog to get up on the couch
Perfect little stool for sitting closest to floor
The footstool was perfect. I actually use it to play with my granddaughter on foot level. It has great colors and doesnt look out of place. I
Very nice item.
Footstool. Easy assembly and sturdy.
Pretty cute
Very easy to put together. It is cute and it serves it purpose. I think it would be better if it was a little heavier because it is way too light. Overall, good product.
I bought this neat little stool so my little Chihuahua would not have to jump so high to get onto the Ottoman to get onto my very high bed. Assembly is simply screwing the four legs into the base. I got the navy color and I love it, so does my tiny dog!
Does what it needs to!
Easy to assemble and matches my armchair well
Perfect little foot rest!
Matched the couch and was the perfect height.
So beautiful!
Its sooo beautiful! I loveeee it
Comfort and Color
Well made
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