The footrest was easy to set up and is the perfect height recommended by home health nurse for my elderly mother. Very sturdy and easy to wipe clean when necessary.
Love the color and the quality. I was afraid the color would look cheap. But not at all. Super cute and perfect for summer. Its very sturdy and the storage design is genius. You can take the legs out and just use it as a seat cushion.
It's just OK. Bigger than I expected, heavier than I expected. It works. Very easy to assemble, and seems sturdy enough. The felt bottoms came off of the feet within weeks, but we have carpet.
Soft orange color
The orange color is soft but exciting. Just the right height and size to stretch out your legs and rest your feet.
Yes yes yes
Looove this piece, such a beautiful accent piece and so easy to assemble.
Nice quality footrest
The footrest was easy to set up and is the perfect height recommended by home health nurse for my elderly mother. Very sturdy and easy to wipe clean when necessary.
Perfect for relaxing
My partner loves and it has replaced a similar old ottoman quite perfectly
Really like it!
The footrest is very nice. It is just the right height and the material is very nice. The legs were very easy to attach.
Chic and classy
I love this mid century ottoman bench. It enhances my foyer and looks extremely elegant. i love to buy another one
Perfect orange for the summer.
Love the color and the quality. I was afraid the color would look cheap. But not at all. Super cute and perfect for summer. Its very sturdy and the storage design is genius. You can take the legs out and just use it as a seat cushion.
Nice piece of furniture for the money.
Perfect height!
Bought for my mother to prop her feet up with. It works perfectly.
It's just OK. Bigger than I expected, heavier than I expected. It works. Very easy to assemble, and seems sturdy enough. The felt bottoms came off of the feet within weeks, but we have carpet.
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