This bed frame is a great value. I bought it for guest and Grands. I was surprised it was so nice and sturdy for the money. I was very impressed. The trundle is also very sturdy and If I had another guest room, I would buy another one.
This bed was easy to put together. Seems sturdy so far. Trundle rolls in and out easily. Mattress cant be too thick so have to pay attention to that. We got 6 mattresses and that works good for the trundle.
We bought this bed to transition our toddler from her crib/toddler bed. This bed does require a good bit of assembly, however, the directions provided are the best I've ever seen. Each piece has either a letter or number on it that matches up with the printed materials perfectly. The directions have picture of everything, even the screws and tools necessary. Very detailed and concise instructions made the assembly a breeze. Good quality and nice finish. Very happy with the purchase.
I put this bed together myself took about 3hrs. Mind you I have my 4yr old home with me, which may be why it took me 3hrs instead of 2hrs. The trundle glides easily and fits perfectly. I purchased two foam mattresses 10inch for the top and 8inch for the bottom. They need a few days to get their actual form. Ill try to update once they do. As of now this is perfect for our needs. To save time and effort I suggest to have a second person to assist. If not possible like In my case it can be done with by person.
I purchased this bed for my son 2 years ago. It seemed pretty sturdy and looked great. Trundle slides very easily on carpet. Unfortunately it is now broken. the front support for the upper bed split, both bolts from that corner ripped through the wood and one was bent in half. I am really disappointed and was hoping for the money this bed would have lasted longer
This bed came in less 24 hours which was shocking! Additionally the packaging was top notch. the directions were easy to follow. With a power screwdriver it took less than 2 hours to build. Made in Brazil and very solid wood. Overall I would def recommend this bed to anyone looking this type of bed. Tip: For now instead of a trundle bed we are choosing to put plastic under bed type storage totes for my sons toys. We may add a handle to pull out bottom part to make it easier but for now I am really liking the clean lines and modern look. The actual finish of the bed is sort of a "Honey colorbut it goes well with dark or light furniture.
This bedframe was exactly what we needed I use it for my two granddaughters I love it
Well worth the money
My daughter loves it. Perfect for when a friend stays
My daughter loves it. Perfect for when a friend stays
Day bed with trundle
Well made easy to assemble. I really like this bed.
Sturdy good value
This bed frame is a great value. I bought it for guest and Grands. I was surprised it was so nice and sturdy for the money. I was very impressed. The trundle is also very sturdy and If I had another guest room, I would buy another one.
Great for guest room or kids
This bed was easy to put together. Seems sturdy so far. Trundle rolls in and out easily. Mattress cant be too thick so have to pay attention to that. We got 6 mattresses and that works good for the trundle.
Very Nice Bed
We bought this bed to transition our toddler from her crib/toddler bed. This bed does require a good bit of assembly, however, the directions provided are the best I've ever seen. Each piece has either a letter or number on it that matches up with the printed materials perfectly. The directions have picture of everything, even the screws and tools necessary. Very detailed and concise instructions made the assembly a breeze. Good quality and nice finish. Very happy with the purchase.
Perfect for my daughters room
I put this bed together myself took about 3hrs. Mind you I have my 4yr old home with me, which may be why it took me 3hrs instead of 2hrs. The trundle glides easily and fits perfectly. I purchased two foam mattresses 10inch for the top and 8inch for the bottom. They need a few days to get their actual form. Ill try to update once they do. As of now this is perfect for our needs. To save time and effort I suggest to have a second person to assist. If not possible like In my case it can be done with by person.
Only lasted 2 years
I purchased this bed for my son 2 years ago. It seemed pretty sturdy and looked great. Trundle slides very easily on carpet. Unfortunately it is now broken. the front support for the upper bed split, both bolts from that corner ripped through the wood and one was bent in half. I am really disappointed and was hoping for the money this bed would have lasted longer
Love this bed
Really easy to move trundle over carpet. Sleek and putting it togeather was moderate difficulty, but worth it.
Very Nice Bed.
This bed came in less 24 hours which was shocking! Additionally the packaging was top notch. the directions were easy to follow. With a power screwdriver it took less than 2 hours to build. Made in Brazil and very solid wood. Overall I would def recommend this bed to anyone looking this type of bed. Tip: For now instead of a trundle bed we are choosing to put plastic under bed type storage totes for my sons toys. We may add a handle to pull out bottom part to make it easier but for now I am really liking the clean lines and modern look. The actual finish of the bed is sort of a "Honey colorbut it goes well with dark or light furniture.
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