I was pleasantly surprised how easy this was to put together. There are multiple bolts at each corner, making it all very solid. The feet are adjustable to balance it out on uneven floors, if needed. Its solid. My only complaint is the allen wrench. Its cheap metal that rounds off a little too easily. If you have a better one, Id use it instead. That said, it didnt prevent me from completing the assembly / its just not going to be good for anything else. The table though? I am very happy with it.
Super easy to put together! I did it by myself. One thing is to make sure that the hinges are going the right way, so the table legs will fold the way they should go. I tried to show the hinges in the pics.
This table is awesome. It looks nice and has a very useful and practical shelf. I wish all tables had shelves like this, because its so convenient// if I want to eat or something and need to clear the table, I can just move my book/laptop/papers/etc. to the shelf. The table was also easy to assemble.
Gorgeous little table
Omg. I love this table. So worth the money. Perfect for small places !
beautiful product as expected
very happy with this product and super good quality compare with the other table that I ordered from other website
Small enough that fits in small space, but opens up to a larger table.
perfect for what I need
I was pleasantly surprised how easy this was to put together. There are multiple bolts at each corner, making it all very solid. The feet are adjustable to balance it out on uneven floors, if needed. Its solid. My only complaint is the allen wrench. Its cheap metal that rounds off a little too easily. If you have a better one, Id use it instead. That said, it didnt prevent me from completing the assembly / its just not going to be good for anything else. The table though? I am very happy with it.
Sturdy and aesthetic.
Good instructions for assembly.
One Sturdy Table
This table is very sturdy. Its also heavier than you would imagine. Get help to move it.
Great looking table and great price!
Beautiful, solid wood table
Super easy to put together! I did it by myself. One thing is to make sure that the hinges are going the right way, so the table legs will fold the way they should go. I tried to show the hinges in the pics.
very beautiful piece if furniture
i am it complete love with this table. so perfect. quality 10 out of 10 . fit perfectly my 2 bedroom condominium . i have no words how happy i am.
Great table with awesome shelf
This table is awesome. It looks nice and has a very useful and practical shelf. I wish all tables had shelves like this, because its so convenient// if I want to eat or something and need to clear the table, I can just move my book/laptop/papers/etc. to the shelf. The table was also easy to assemble.
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