Very nice quality. Shipped quickly and was easy to assemble. We also got the matching headboard, dresser, and a nightstand. One of the drawers on the dresser was chipped during the shipping. We contacted the manufacturer and they sent out a replacement quickly! Im so pleased with the purchase!! Im so glad we didnt buy from the expensive local furniture store!
This bed took a long time to assemble, but well worth all the effort. My girl loves the secret hiding space below. The storage space under the bed really helped us manage our small room.
I love it ! I moved the dresser out so my daughter could have a little space under. It is great quality and pretty easy to assemble. I got an 8inches twin mattress . Only confusion was that it came in 3 different boxes but on different days. I thought I was missing items until the seller informed me otherwise, very satisfied
Bed is pretty nice, easy to put together, would be helpful if you have 2 people for some parts. it is pretty sturdy for how long the legs are but it would be nice if it had a cross beam or 2 to make it more sturdy but no big deal i plan to add 1 or 2 myself.
Sturdy and priced very well. This frame fit perfectly on my toddlers full size mattress. No overhang or sagging. Hes jumped on it a few times and no cracking or anything. Directions would be a lot more clear if they pieces were labeled sort of how does it with the abc on the pieces. Real wood slats and not thin at all. Feels like I spent my money in the right place. Had one piece missing for a drawer but customer service responded promptly with a solution. Just waiting for that piece which should be here soon and well just put it in and secure the last drawer. No complaints. Did take a while to assemble but we do have a house full of toddlers.
I was nervous about putting together this bed, but my daughter and I put it together in less than 2 hours. The directions were clear and easy to follow (they even have pictures that look like the pieces!). It is sturdy and looks so good!
great granddaughter loves her new bed
it took a little time to build
Nice Quality
Very nice quality. Shipped quickly and was easy to assemble. We also got the matching headboard, dresser, and a nightstand. One of the drawers on the dresser was chipped during the shipping. We contacted the manufacturer and they sent out a replacement quickly! Im so pleased with the purchase!! Im so glad we didnt buy from the expensive local furniture store!
Dreamy bed
This bed took a long time to assemble, but well worth all the effort. My girl loves the secret hiding space below. The storage space under the bed really helped us manage our small room.
verry heavy
verry heavy unit...
live it
Perfect for a 14 yo. She was able to assemble it almost by herself. Love the amount of storage. This was a good value
Get it
I love it ! I moved the dresser out so my daughter could have a little space under. It is great quality and pretty easy to assemble. I got an 8inches twin mattress . Only confusion was that it came in 3 different boxes but on different days. I thought I was missing items until the seller informed me otherwise, very satisfied
Good my be able to get something better for the price
Bed is pretty nice, easy to put together, would be helpful if you have 2 people for some parts. it is pretty sturdy for how long the legs are but it would be nice if it had a cross beam or 2 to make it more sturdy but no big deal i plan to add 1 or 2 myself.
Looks nice
My son is so happy with it. He put it together with no problem. Looks nice in the room.
No regrets
Sturdy and priced very well. This frame fit perfectly on my toddlers full size mattress. No overhang or sagging. Hes jumped on it a few times and no cracking or anything. Directions would be a lot more clear if they pieces were labeled sort of how does it with the abc on the pieces. Real wood slats and not thin at all. Feels like I spent my money in the right place. Had one piece missing for a drawer but customer service responded promptly with a solution. Just waiting for that piece which should be here soon and well just put it in and secure the last drawer. No complaints. Did take a while to assemble but we do have a house full of toddlers.
Easy to follow directions
I was nervous about putting together this bed, but my daughter and I put it together in less than 2 hours. The directions were clear and easy to follow (they even have pictures that look like the pieces!). It is sturdy and looks so good!
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