I've only had it for one day so can't speak to how it will hold up BUT it looks great and was super easy to assemble. I did use some really small nails instead of screws on the cardboard back because they went in easier but the instructions were very clear overall and it took under an hour to do. Looks nice and holds all the shoes that we are using it for.
I bought this for my daughters room and when i started putting it together it seemed that the hardware wasnt working correctly. I contacted the seller and they fixed my issue by send ling me a new product that had better and different hardware. When i put that one together i ran to a few small defects but still managed to put it all together safely. I love the way it turned out and am very pleased with the seller
I bought this item with the intention of using it our mudroom. It worked out great. Considering our space was limited, it fit perfect. My son loves it and has no dificulty utilizing it to remove his shoes. . Item does not come assembled so be worn but it's not difficult at all. Took me about 30-45min to assemble. Instruction could be a little better but once you figure it out, it's pretty easy.
Smaller than I thought it would be. Not to mention when item arrived all of the screws were short so I couldnt even finish building it so ended up returning the whole thing because that was pretty annoying.
Easy to assemble, looks great!
I've only had it for one day so can't speak to how it will hold up BUT it looks great and was super easy to assemble. I did use some really small nails instead of screws on the cardboard back because they went in easier but the instructions were very clear overall and it took under an hour to do. Looks nice and holds all the shoes that we are using it for.
I contacted the seller and they fixed my issue by send ling me a new product that had better and different hardware
I bought this for my daughters room and when i started putting it together it seemed that the hardware wasnt working correctly. I contacted the seller and they fixed my issue by send ling me a new product that had better and different hardware. When i put that one together i ran to a few small defects but still managed to put it all together safely. I love the way it turned out and am very pleased with the seller
I was happy with the quality of the cushion
Wound up returning the item. Top corner was cracked and one piece showed up in 4 pieces. I was happy with the quality of the cushion.
Totes Magotes
Omg this is adorable and exactly what I needed. Super happy with it.
Didnt come all white like the pix
Cute. Didnt come all white like the pix.
Great mudroom bench.
I bought this item with the intention of using it our mudroom. It worked out great. Considering our space was limited, it fit perfect. My son loves it and has no dificulty utilizing it to remove his shoes. . Item does not come assembled so be worn but it's not difficult at all. Took me about 30-45min to assemble. Instruction could be a little better but once you figure it out, it's pretty easy.
Was hoping for better value for the money I spent
If it weren't damaged and missing an important part (which means now I can use only 2 out of the 3 storage boxes) I would have rated this higher.
Good to have it!
The product arrived earlier than I expected. Its easy to assemble. I liked the design of this storage bench, it just matches my furniture.
Not to mention when item arrived all of the screws were short so I couldnt even finish building it so ended up returning the whole thing because that was pretty annoying.
Smaller than I thought it would be. Not to mention when item arrived all of the screws were short so I couldnt even finish building it so ended up returning the whole thing because that was pretty annoying.
Worth it
Easy to install, organized hardware, beautiful end product. It was perfect.
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