Took my husband about 2/3 hrs to put together himself. My 4 yo loves it. The stairs are very uncomfortable but thats an easy fix by adding cushions or cutting pool noodles. Overall very happy with my purchase.
Very easy to assemble and is pretty sturdy. You will want to either use some lock tight or make sure you go through and tighten the bolts every few weeks as they do start to loosen. Thats expected though with a metal product. My son loves his bed and his area beneath it.
My teenage son put this together with me hleping. It was pretty easy to put together. It squeaks when my younger son gets in it but not bad. It is a metal bed so I expected that.
We got this for our grandsons (age 6 and 4); my daughter/in/law had no difficulty assembling it / it is sturdy and stable and the kids love it. It arrived as promised and in good condition. It seems like a very economical solution and we are pleased.
Great bed for the price. Put it together with a friend and took us maybe 30 minutes (and we dont put a lot of stuff together). Sturdy, daughter loves it. Great deal for the price.
Only issue is I had to put it together. Im getting ly and I dont like to build furniture.
That being said, it really was easier than anything I have built from the scandanvian furniture store.
It doesnt squeak, the included futon mattress is actually really nice, and its a great price.
Just a heads up, it arrives in two separate packages (or even deliveries as in my case). I was worried the mattress was left out since it wasnt in the box, but it arrived the next day.
Aming price when we purchased.
Good and sturdy.
Solid construction. Have had young adults to kids on it.
Sturdy and a lot of room below the bed
Took my husband about 2/3 hrs to put together himself. My 4 yo loves it. The stairs are very uncomfortable but thats an easy fix by adding cushions or cutting pool noodles. Overall very happy with my purchase.
Great bed frame.
Very easy to assemble and is pretty sturdy. You will want to either use some lock tight or make sure you go through and tighten the bolts every few weeks as they do start to loosen. Thats expected though with a metal product. My son loves his bed and his area beneath it.
Nice product
Used for my daughter, works well for her room
My 10 year loves this bed
My teenage son put this together with me hleping. It was pretty easy to put together. It squeaks when my younger son gets in it but not bad. It is a metal bed so I expected that.
Looks great and good quality
Assembly is easy if you have someones help
Grandsons LOVE this!
We got this for our grandsons (age 6 and 4); my daughter/in/law had no difficulty assembling it / it is sturdy and stable and the kids love it. It arrived as promised and in good condition. It seems like a very economical solution and we are pleased.
great bed for price
Great bed for the price. Put it together with a friend and took us maybe 30 minutes (and we dont put a lot of stuff together). Sturdy, daughter loves it. Great deal for the price.
Cheaper than local, plus free delivery!!
Only issue is I had to put it together. Im getting ly and I dont like to build furniture. That being said, it really was easier than anything I have built from the scandanvian furniture store. It doesnt squeak, the included futon mattress is actually really nice, and its a great price. Just a heads up, it arrives in two separate packages (or even deliveries as in my case). I was worried the mattress was left out since it wasnt in the box, but it arrived the next day. Aming price when we purchased.
Sturdy And the instruction are very good
Easy to put together easy to use
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