They look just as I had hoped. My husband had to force them to fit when putting them together. I would not have been able to do it on my own. I also dont think the seat cushion is going to hold up well. We had one thanksgiving dinner on them and some look a little smooshed.
The chairs are great for the price. We havent had anyone sit on them yet, so Im hoping they are sturdy. The delivery was kinda hectic, but seller helped out mostly.
Relatively easy to assemble, was able to do on my own. True to colours in photo. Price was the least expensive I could find across multiple home sites for this style of chair but the chairs seem to be good quality, sturdy and look like the photos and are true to measurements. Overall very happy.
I live in an apartment and purchased 4 of these chairs for the board game room table. They are back-heavy and have a tendency to fall backward when you get up. It's really annoying, so you have to take extra care to hold the chair while getting up to ensure it doesn't tip over.
Otherwise, the build quality is great! The wood is sturdy and feels like real wood. The assembly is very easy. Literally put in 8 screws and you are done.
I didn't assemble them so can't comment too much on that but my husband said it went pretty smooth. Have had them for a month or so now and they seem very sturdy. For the price, they are really good chairs!
Was hesitant about buying these because of the reviews. So glad I bought it anyways. Purchased 2 just to see if the negative reviews were true. Got them and bought the rest. It was super easy to assemble, theyre comfortable, when they fell back it didnt break as someone said on the reviews (I have tile flooring) and there were no flaws to any of the chairs. I bought 8 of them and they were all perfect!
They look just as I had hoped.
They look just as I had hoped. My husband had to force them to fit when putting them together. I would not have been able to do it on my own. I also dont think the seat cushion is going to hold up well. We had one thanksgiving dinner on them and some look a little smooshed.
Great quality! Buy it
Beautiful washed wood color. Super stylish. The quuality is great. Solid wood. Easy to assembly. I definitely recommend it.
Though they took a little while to put together it was worth it, because they are beautiful chairs and very sturdy.
Great for price!
The chairs are great for the price. We havent had anyone sit on them yet, so Im hoping they are sturdy. The delivery was kinda hectic, but seller helped out mostly.
Excellent quality
Beautiful chairs. May order 2 more.
Looks like picture
Relatively easy to assemble, was able to do on my own. True to colours in photo. Price was the least expensive I could find across multiple home sites for this style of chair but the chairs seem to be good quality, sturdy and look like the photos and are true to measurements. Overall very happy.
Nice Chairs For The Pricepoint
Packed Well, Shipped And Arrived FAST, Great Chairs For The $$$$.
Has a Tendency to Tip Backward
I live in an apartment and purchased 4 of these chairs for the board game room table. They are back-heavy and have a tendency to fall backward when you get up. It's really annoying, so you have to take extra care to hold the chair while getting up to ensure it doesn't tip over. Otherwise, the build quality is great! The wood is sturdy and feels like real wood. The assembly is very easy. Literally put in 8 screws and you are done.
Very happy with these chairs
I didn't assemble them so can't comment too much on that but my husband said it went pretty smooth. Have had them for a month or so now and they seem very sturdy. For the price, they are really good chairs!
So glad I bought it
Was hesitant about buying these because of the reviews. So glad I bought it anyways. Purchased 2 just to see if the negative reviews were true. Got them and bought the rest. It was super easy to assemble, theyre comfortable, when they fell back it didnt break as someone said on the reviews (I have tile flooring) and there were no flaws to any of the chairs. I bought 8 of them and they were all perfect!
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