This set is a great value for the price. Super easy (yet tedious) to put together. I put all three pieces together by myself with a toddler interrupting every 5-10 min in about 2-3 hours. Its very good quality, comfortable, and perfect for small spaces. Highly recommend.
The product is easy to assemble but my glass top slides off the black edges from my hand and shattered. Now my table is without glass cover. Is there any way to order the glass?
I bought two sets of these chairs and table to put on my patio around a fire pit. They are just the right size. Its nice to have a table included. The price is great! They arent really difficult to put together, but they are a bit fiddly as they come with a small Allen wrench. It probably took me a couple of hours to put together four chairs and two tables. I think you would be happy with this purchase.
Easy to assemble. Perfect size for apartment patio
Perfect for what was needed!
It takes some time to put them together; but they are perfect once all together! Comfort, looks, and perfect for what I needed!
Lovely and Sturdy
Easy to assemble, very sturdy, lovely little set, decently comfortable
Great value!
Sturdy, well packaged. It helps to have small socket wrench with an allen bit to make assembly easier. It does come with an allen wrench.
Morning coffee nook
Perfect for the morning coffee patio nook! I ended up using a drill to build this piece.
All hardware was included, though some parts were mismarked.
It was relatively easy to put together and appears to be sturdy.
Great set for the price!
This set is a great value for the price. Super easy (yet tedious) to put together. I put all three pieces together by myself with a toddler interrupting every 5-10 min in about 2-3 hours. Its very good quality, comfortable, and perfect for small spaces. Highly recommend.
Good product at a good price. My glass top slipped off the black edges and shatters during assembly.
The product is easy to assemble but my glass top slides off the black edges from my hand and shattered. Now my table is without glass cover. Is there any way to order the glass?
Great product for the price!
I bought two sets of these chairs and table to put on my patio around a fire pit. They are just the right size. Its nice to have a table included. The price is great! They arent really difficult to put together, but they are a bit fiddly as they come with a small Allen wrench. It probably took me a couple of hours to put together four chairs and two tables. I think you would be happy with this purchase.
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