My daughter loves the finished product but boy was this a PAIN to put together. Please trust all of the reviews that say it is 100% a two person job. It came in a million pieces and screwing all of the parts together was extremely tedious. Will add some photos soon.
I spent around $300.00 for this bed and it's done the trick. It was easy to assemble for all the parts that were included although the instructions could have been a bit more thorough in some parts, particularly using the spacer to space where you place the boards. It was a great value for my money. It's for my kids so I expect they'll tear it back. They climb all over it and forget it's actually a bed. The sturdiness is insane. I remember my metal bunk bed as a kid and how it swayed back and forth insanely when we just climbed to the top using the ladder. This has not budged, not even a little.
This is one of the best products I have ordered! Instructions are very easy and make sense. The predrilled wood was on the money with dowel placement and bolt alignment. Paint and strength of bed is will above average. Would recommend to anyone!
Overall I liked the bunk bed .
The only problem is that one front board had a small gouge in it and a few other boards had a scratch on them. Because if the size and weigh, not a product I would ship back for replacement or replace individual boards. It was already on backorder to begin with and I wouldnt want to wait to be able to assemble it !
Great price. Unfortunately the instructions are horrible. DO NOT BUY MORE THEN A 6 MATTRESS FOR TOP BUNK. Overall great product especially for the price, great buy .
It was relatively easy to put together but like other reviews said, the instructions could be better. If you try to build the headboards the way they tell you it won't work. The assembly sequence seems random and not tested prior to printing.
I have an engineering/technical background so it wasn't too hard for me. The not so handy people may struggle more. Overall a solid bed and good for kids.
Satisfied customer!
Fit our needs. Great product for the quality.
Pain in the ass to assembe.
My daughter loves the finished product but boy was this a PAIN to put together. Please trust all of the reviews that say it is 100% a two person job. It came in a million pieces and screwing all of the parts together was extremely tedious. Will add some photos soon.
Sturdy and looks good
I spent around $300.00 for this bed and it's done the trick. It was easy to assemble for all the parts that were included although the instructions could have been a bit more thorough in some parts, particularly using the spacer to space where you place the boards. It was a great value for my money. It's for my kids so I expect they'll tear it back. They climb all over it and forget it's actually a bed. The sturdiness is insane. I remember my metal bunk bed as a kid and how it swayed back and forth insanely when we just climbed to the top using the ladder. This has not budged, not even a little.
Value and Quality of product!
This is one of the best products I have ordered! Instructions are very easy and make sense. The predrilled wood was on the money with dowel placement and bolt alignment. Paint and strength of bed is will above average. Would recommend to anyone!
Excellent product
Excellent product my kids loved it and we can separate it into 2 beds
Good product for the money!
Overall I liked the bunk bed . The only problem is that one front board had a small gouge in it and a few other boards had a scratch on them. Because if the size and weigh, not a product I would ship back for replacement or replace individual boards. It was already on backorder to begin with and I wouldnt want to wait to be able to assemble it !
Great price. Unfortunately the instructions are horrible. DO NOT BUY MORE THEN A 6 MATTRESS FOR TOP BUNK. Overall great product especially for the price, great buy .
Instructions are lacking
It was relatively easy to put together but like other reviews said, the instructions could be better. If you try to build the headboards the way they tell you it won't work. The assembly sequence seems random and not tested prior to printing. I have an engineering/technical background so it wasn't too hard for me. The not so handy people may struggle more. Overall a solid bed and good for kids.
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