built quality is good not great but for the price it works. received my first one broken but of course customer service is the best they had it picked up and replaced.
We got this for our baby registry. The chair is not hard to assemble, however there were no instructions in the packaging. The chair is comfortable and slides smoothly. They need to revisit their packaging method because the clips that are screwed on the wood were dented when I opened the box (see pictures). It makes it unable to clip the armrest coushins.
The cushions are thick which is going to come in handy and it glides quietly and easily. My only complaint is that after reading reviews by others who purchased this chair I assumed my husband who is only 6 taller than me would also sit comfortably and he doesnt. The back is too short for him. The top of the back cushion sits perfectly at the base of my head but if I were even half an inch over 54 I would need a pillow to rest my head on. All in all not bad for the price.
Athough the box was extremely damaged, this chair came with all the pieces and is great quality! Very easy to put together and its very comfortable and sturdy! Great buy!
Chair came earlier than expected delivery date and was exactly as pictured. Very easy to put together.
Love our rocker. I was surprise to see how nice everything was. The cushions are super soft. It was pretty easy to put together without directions. Its definitely a good buy for the price
I wanted a rocking chair that is not expensive and yet mixes well with my brown/chestnut leather furniture. This chair does the job. It is quite comfortable to sit in. I wish to discuss briefly how it differs from more expensive chairs of this sort, and why I gave it 4 and not 5 starts. There are chairs of similar design that cost many hundreds of dollars. I have observed two main differences between them and this chair. First, the more expensive ones have more bulk to their wood parts, the wood is more expensive, and it has a more expensive finish. Second, these more expensive chairs have better quality and, importantly, thicker cushions. This chair loses 1 start because the cushions you sit on and lean against feel somewhat thin. You can feel that there is just a piece of foam inside the bottom cushion; when you handle it, you can feel it shifting a little inside. Note that the stool arrived assembled. The chair required some assembly that was not hard: The back and the arms needed to be attached to the seat.
great seat.
Still going strong after 2 years, my next baby is on the way and we will be using it also, the padding is still very firm and feels great to sit on.
Great chair 3 pics to screw together /20 min to
Great chair 3 pics to screw together /20 min to unpack and put together rateing AAA
Very nice looking chair
built quality is good not great but for the price it works. received my first one broken but of course customer service is the best they had it picked up and replaced.
Comfy chair, but packaging should be improved
We got this for our baby registry. The chair is not hard to assemble, however there were no instructions in the packaging. The chair is comfortable and slides smoothly. They need to revisit their packaging method because the clips that are screwed on the wood were dented when I opened the box (see pictures). It makes it unable to clip the armrest coushins.
Dont change a thing
This item arrived exactly as advertised. It is of high quality and smanship
The new parents absolutely love the
This was a gift. The new parents absolutely love the glider
Not for people over 54
The cushions are thick which is going to come in handy and it glides quietly and easily. My only complaint is that after reading reviews by others who purchased this chair I assumed my husband who is only 6 taller than me would also sit comfortably and he doesnt. The back is too short for him. The top of the back cushion sits perfectly at the base of my head but if I were even half an inch over 54 I would need a pillow to rest my head on. All in all not bad for the price.
this chair came with all the pieces and is great quality! Very easy to put together and its
Athough the box was extremely damaged, this chair came with all the pieces and is great quality! Very easy to put together and its very comfortable and sturdy! Great buy!
Love our rocker. Easy to put together and SUPER comfortable!
Chair came earlier than expected delivery date and was exactly as pictured. Very easy to put together. Love our rocker. I was surprise to see how nice everything was. The cushions are super soft. It was pretty easy to put together without directions. Its definitely a good buy for the price
Comfortable; appears as depicted; somewhat thin cushions; easy assembly.
I wanted a rocking chair that is not expensive and yet mixes well with my brown/chestnut leather furniture. This chair does the job. It is quite comfortable to sit in. I wish to discuss briefly how it differs from more expensive chairs of this sort, and why I gave it 4 and not 5 starts. There are chairs of similar design that cost many hundreds of dollars. I have observed two main differences between them and this chair. First, the more expensive ones have more bulk to their wood parts, the wood is more expensive, and it has a more expensive finish. Second, these more expensive chairs have better quality and, importantly, thicker cushions. This chair loses 1 start because the cushions you sit on and lean against feel somewhat thin. You can feel that there is just a piece of foam inside the bottom cushion; when you handle it, you can feel it shifting a little inside. Note that the stool arrived assembled. The chair required some assembly that was not hard: The back and the arms needed to be attached to the seat.
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