This table is nice looking, easy to assemble (my daughter and I did it in less than a half hour), and shipping was fast. Sturdy. Great value for the price.
From opening the box to completely put together was 20 minutes for the first table. I ws so satisfied I ordered a 2nd table. This on took 1 minutes to assemble.
I have put together a lot of furniture in my life, good and bad pieces. I was scared when I saw how small the instructions were. Then I realized that they designed it to be extremely easy to put together. They even put soft plastic in the pilot holes so people wouldnt break the wood if they screwed it too far in. It also came with an actual screwdriver that I am definitely keeping for emergencies. I am very impressed with this company. They are sustainable, easy to assemble, and sturdy. The construction is so intuitive that you might not even need the instructions at all! I certainly recommend this company to anyone looking for furniture!
Love the style and affordability
I like the style and affordability. My girls are 5-7 and it survives 60 plus pounds climbing on it
Nicer then I was expecting for the money
Nice looking , seems sturdy. Id advise having an extra pair of hands to help put together.
So easy to put together . Came in 3 days !!
This table is cute!
This table is nice looking, easy to assemble (my daughter and I did it in less than a half hour), and shipping was fast. Sturdy. Great value for the price.
In love!
Perfect for our 2 bedroom apartment. Love the color! So sturdy and easy to assemble! Makes the living room so inviting
Cutest little addition to my place!
This was easy to assemble. It made such a difference, replacing my big brown table with this smaller, light colored one.
That everything works
From opening the box to completely put together was 20 minutes for the first table. I ws so satisfied I ordered a 2nd table. This on took 1 minutes to assemble.
Ingenious Desgin
I have put together a lot of furniture in my life, good and bad pieces. I was scared when I saw how small the instructions were. Then I realized that they designed it to be extremely easy to put together. They even put soft plastic in the pilot holes so people wouldnt break the wood if they screwed it too far in. It also came with an actual screwdriver that I am definitely keeping for emergencies. I am very impressed with this company. They are sustainable, easy to assemble, and sturdy. The construction is so intuitive that you might not even need the instructions at all! I certainly recommend this company to anyone looking for furniture!
The table look good. Easy to assemble.
The corners are all pointy, and sharp
Easy Assembly.
The wood veneer looks great in my home office.
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