It was super easy to assemble and looked great in my baby girls nursery! It matched perfectly. As long as youre not putting heavy weight or sitting on the table its sturdy.
The table is cute, pretty sturdy for the value and easy to assemble. I purchased the black and gold table. My only problem is that I should have looked more closely at the dimensions, specifically the height. The table is very short, but for what I planned on using it for, it works.
Easy to assemble and cute
Perfect for baby boys nursery
Easy and modern looking side table
It was super easy to assemble and looked great in my baby girls nursery! It matched perfectly. As long as youre not putting heavy weight or sitting on the table its sturdy.
Great little table
Easy assembly, nice rustic look with a modern touch. Matched my furniture well.
OverpricedEasy to assemble. Came with a scratch but I can cover it with a small table plant or coasters
Pretty good
Its a nice little table for the cost.
Cute small table
The table is cute, pretty sturdy for the value and easy to assemble. I purchased the black and gold table. My only problem is that I should have looked more closely at the dimensions, specifically the height. The table is very short, but for what I planned on using it for, it works.
Perfect Size
Love the color and how it actually looks like concrete. Very sturdy. Ordering the end table now!
Its good for a small apartment
The wood look top is not authentic looking but it was easy to put together.
Good price and quality
Very easy to assemble and fulfils the intended purpose. I would buy from this companys line again.
Perfect side table
Easy to put together and looks great in my guest room. Sturdy enough for guest room use.
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