I love how it was so easy to assemble it came with all the tools. It is sturdy me and my dog lay on it. Easy to fold up or done and honestly every comfortable alittle stiff but doesnt have an annoying bar in the middle
Great but doesnt last long. The metal middle stand broke immediately and now we went to sit down and the board on the side broke in half and now it sits off
This is a very nice piece for the price, and was super easy to assemble! It was smaller than I expected and they got the color wrong. I ordered this futon in Charcoal and it was delivered in Black.
It was just too much of a hassle to change it because of the size so I kept it.
The color is spot on. So easy to put together. Was delivered within a week great shipping and updates about it. It says it only weighs about 70 pounds, but I believe it weighs a bit more. You definitely need someone to help you carry upstairs. I live on second floor of an apartment so it was very challenging took me about 45 minutes to get up the stairs by myself. But its very sturdy I like a firm couch because they dont wear quickly and pillows easily fix that problem. All and all perfect.
The product came 1 day earlier which I was excited about. It is a little darker than I anticipated but still fits well in the space.
It is also a little smaller than I thought but works well in this space because it is a small room. The instructions say 3 adults can sit on it. I would say 2 could sit comfortably on it.
As a futon to sleep on, I would say a short individual could comfortably sleep on it. But no one taller than 54 would comfortably sleep on it. It is firm for those who like firm furniture.
Very comfy, easy to assemble- just attach legs. I knew it was small but dont realize how much. Im 51 and there is probably only about 3-5 inches left when I lay down but I dont mind. Im super impressed with how comfortable it is
First sofa/bed
Great product for the price.
Thoughts and opinions
I love how it was so easy to assemble it came with all the tools. It is sturdy me and my dog lay on it. Easy to fold up or done and honestly every comfortable alittle stiff but doesnt have an annoying bar in the middle
Great quality!
Great quality futon, and super easy to assemble. Its very comfortable, and true to size.
Breaks easy
Great but doesnt last long. The metal middle stand broke immediately and now we went to sit down and the board on the side broke in half and now it sits off
Nice but small
This is a very nice piece for the price, and was super easy to assemble! It was smaller than I expected and they got the color wrong. I ordered this futon in Charcoal and it was delivered in Black. It was just too much of a hassle to change it because of the size so I kept it.
As expected.
The color is spot on. So easy to put together. Was delivered within a week great shipping and updates about it. It says it only weighs about 70 pounds, but I believe it weighs a bit more. You definitely need someone to help you carry upstairs. I live on second floor of an apartment so it was very challenging took me about 45 minutes to get up the stairs by myself. But its very sturdy I like a firm couch because they dont wear quickly and pillows easily fix that problem. All and all perfect.
Firm and small
The product came 1 day earlier which I was excited about. It is a little darker than I anticipated but still fits well in the space. It is also a little smaller than I thought but works well in this space because it is a small room. The instructions say 3 adults can sit on it. I would say 2 could sit comfortably on it. As a futon to sleep on, I would say a short individual could comfortably sleep on it. But no one taller than 54 would comfortably sleep on it. It is firm for those who like firm furniture.
Very comfy - on the small side
Very comfy, easy to assemble- just attach legs. I knew it was small but dont realize how much. Im 51 and there is probably only about 3-5 inches left when I lay down but I dont mind. Im super impressed with how comfortable it is
very sturdy
Delivery sooner then expected , nice quality
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