These are incredibly sturdy! I bought a different color a while ago, but they werent as good as these! The color is just as pictured, the legs are very secure, and they are relatively comfortable. Im very happy with these!
Somewhat easy to assemble all holes did not perfectly lined up but were easy to correct. I bought this for my sons desk but he complained that the seat was too firm and it sat to upright. It would probably be perfect at someones dining table.
Decent product that surprised us when they arrived with minimal assembly and comfortable for out kitchen eating area! We got the matching bench too.
Definitely recommend this product!
We were looking for an easy way to change the look of our dining room, and these chairs fir the bill perfectly. They brought as splash of color and aming comfort. They were easy to assemble and look more expensive than the pricey chairs that they replaced. We took a big chance ordering online for something as important as dining chairs, but it totally paid off.
Very happy with the chairs!
Came as described, look good and are very study. Will definitely recommend
Beautiful and sturdy!
These are incredibly sturdy! I bought a different color a while ago, but they werent as good as these! The color is just as pictured, the legs are very secure, and they are relatively comfortable. Im very happy with these!
Makes out dining room.
Comfortable well made chairs. So happy to have bought them.
Not bad
Somewhat easy to assemble all holes did not perfectly lined up but were easy to correct. I bought this for my sons desk but he complained that the seat was too firm and it sat to upright. It would probably be perfect at someones dining table.
Nice upgrade for our kitchen chairs!
Decent product that surprised us when they arrived with minimal assembly and comfortable for out kitchen eating area! We got the matching bench too. Definitely recommend this product!
Great price!
I was looking for something more linen like and they are more polyester feeling. Good price!
The legs of the chair are very noisy.
The legs of the chair are very noisy. If you live in an apartment, it is recommended not to buy it. The downstair neighbors will complain to you
Classy chair
These are beautiful chairs. Makes my dining room look new. I would definitely recommend them.
Helpful seller
After a leg on one of the chairs broke, the seller was quick to help resolve the problem!
Simple elegance
We were looking for an easy way to change the look of our dining room, and these chairs fir the bill perfectly. They brought as splash of color and aming comfort. They were easy to assemble and look more expensive than the pricey chairs that they replaced. We took a big chance ordering online for something as important as dining chairs, but it totally paid off.
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