I was missing bag 2 that had screws in it. I tried contacting seller but it said request was denied. Other than that the bed would be a super sturdy one if i could get the part I need. Its good quality wood for the price.
Overall like this black bed frame. Was simple to assemble and I did it myself in less than two hours (just be sure you follow directions). Its sturdy and doesnt squeak and doesnt let the mattress sag anywhere. The welding is spotty but not noticeable. No ones inspecting your bed frame that close. Only complaint is that the mattress sits on it instead of inside. Because of this it does slide a little bit. Theres some space between my mattress and the headboard so I had to push the mattress up further (to stop my pillows from falling in the crack). This means theres about 2 inches of frame thats just not covered by a mattress at the foot of the bed. Unsure if this is the fault of the bed or the mattress, just feels like a queen mattress should fit on a queen frame perfectly.
so far so good! seems very sturdy with my husband(220lbs) and myself(160lbs) on it at the same time! no creaks, and he had no problems setting it up. took him about 2 hours by himself with one mess up that he had to correct. the black is flat/matte which works perfectly with the rest of the black finishes on our furniture. if anything goes sideways ill make sure to update but so far we love it!
Assembly went fast (having a second person helps, but not necessary) Very sturdy, looks great and does NOT squeak creak! I purchased for our guest room after my daughter moved her furniture out. Im very pleased with this purchase.
I was hesitant to buy any piece of furniture on where I had to pay shipping because I knew that would mean I had to pay for the return costs. I read all the bad reviews so I would know what could go wrong, because even if a product is good there are always duds. The end showed up quickly, in perfect condition, it honestly looks better in person. Its VERY sturdy, a lot of beds on only hold 300-400lbs which is scary because even if youre not a big person, if you factor in kids and dogs you can get close to that limit. This bed is very well designed/constructed, easy to build, there is zero movement/squeaking when I sit on it, and it looks awesome. Buy this bed, chances are youll love it.
Was looking for a quick frame all over and this caught my eye! Its mustard gold, not shiny gold but that doesnt bother me. Assembly took me almost an hour but I was doing it all alone and its much easier with 2 people. Overall, its super sturdy and great! No squeaking or shaking. 10/10 would buy again
My Fianace and I are both heavy set people. This frame can easily hold 600lbs + lbs and the storage room available underneath is great as well! Love this product
This frame was super easy to assemble. I did it while watching Netflix and it took me about 40 minutes by myself. It instantly changed the vibe of my room and bedding. I love it!
Missing part!
I was missing bag 2 that had screws in it. I tried contacting seller but it said request was denied. Other than that the bed would be a super sturdy one if i could get the part I need. Its good quality wood for the price.
Queen Size? Maybe
Overall like this black bed frame. Was simple to assemble and I did it myself in less than two hours (just be sure you follow directions). Its sturdy and doesnt squeak and doesnt let the mattress sag anywhere. The welding is spotty but not noticeable. No ones inspecting your bed frame that close. Only complaint is that the mattress sits on it instead of inside. Because of this it does slide a little bit. Theres some space between my mattress and the headboard so I had to push the mattress up further (to stop my pillows from falling in the crack). This means theres about 2 inches of frame thats just not covered by a mattress at the foot of the bed. Unsure if this is the fault of the bed or the mattress, just feels like a queen mattress should fit on a queen frame perfectly.
nice sturdy frame!
so far so good! seems very sturdy with my husband(220lbs) and myself(160lbs) on it at the same time! no creaks, and he had no problems setting it up. took him about 2 hours by himself with one mess up that he had to correct. the black is flat/matte which works perfectly with the rest of the black finishes on our furniture. if anything goes sideways ill make sure to update but so far we love it!
Great bed for the price!
Assembly went fast (having a second person helps, but not necessary) Very sturdy, looks great and does NOT squeak creak! I purchased for our guest room after my daughter moved her furniture out. Im very pleased with this purchase.
No Regrets
I was hesitant to buy any piece of furniture on where I had to pay shipping because I knew that would mean I had to pay for the return costs. I read all the bad reviews so I would know what could go wrong, because even if a product is good there are always duds. The end showed up quickly, in perfect condition, it honestly looks better in person. Its VERY sturdy, a lot of beds on only hold 300-400lbs which is scary because even if youre not a big person, if you factor in kids and dogs you can get close to that limit. This bed is very well designed/constructed, easy to build, there is zero movement/squeaking when I sit on it, and it looks awesome. Buy this bed, chances are youll love it.
Great metal frame!!
Was looking for a quick frame all over and this caught my eye! Its mustard gold, not shiny gold but that doesnt bother me. Assembly took me almost an hour but I was doing it all alone and its much easier with 2 people. Overall, its super sturdy and great! No squeaking or shaking. 10/10 would buy again
Super cute!
This is great except I have a queen bed and the frame is bigger than my bed
Great bed frame!!
My Fianace and I are both heavy set people. This frame can easily hold 600lbs + lbs and the storage room available underneath is great as well! Love this product
If you are on the fence, BUY IT! You will NOT be disappointed!
Adorable bed! Very sturdy too! I absolutely love it! Great value and easy to put together! And no squeaking!
Lot it!
This frame was super easy to assemble. I did it while watching Netflix and it took me about 40 minutes by myself. It instantly changed the vibe of my room and bedding. I love it!
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