The chair was easy to assemble but it came with two left arms. Because of that it's not as sturdy as it could be (the arms connect the seat to the back) I was able to rig it to work but it's not great.
I also emailed the company when I got it and sent pictures and still haven't heard back about getting a right arm.
Incorrect part
The chair was easy to assemble but it came with two left arms. Because of that it's not as sturdy as it could be (the arms connect the seat to the back) I was able to rig it to work but it's not great. I also emailed the company when I got it and sent pictures and still haven't heard back about getting a right arm.
Great chair!!!
I got this for my son and this chair is great and perfect, he loves it! Easy to assemble
Hubby loves it
Hubby loves it. Great birthday gift
For the price you cant beat it
For the price you cant beat it
High back gaming chair
My grandson luvs it he plays his video games while sitting in his chair
Great item;thanks .
Keep doing what you do.
Good for work from home ppl
Bought for parent that works from home. They love it. So much support.
That it was a nice gift for my Grandson
Seems like a very nice chair at a very good price !
Easy to setup
Great product!
What you pay for.
It's a decent chair for price but a little on the weak side as far as durability.
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