It was a gift for my grandson,he was excited and couldn't wait to put it together. Once it was together everyone tried it, we all agreed it was a great gaming chair
Purchased for my son's birthday- he was over-the-moon. It is a great quality, wasn't hard to assemble, only tool a few minutes, comfortable, and now my husband wants one. LOL!!!!
I bought two for my boys, they play online. They loved it, for the price I was able to afford it. They had been wanting a game chair for some time but couldnt afford it.
Easy to assemble, the kids helped putting it together. I gave it 4 stars because there is higher quality chairs just more expensive. Im glad I got these.
Great chair just lacking on the back support. Not as cushioned as the rest of the chair so my husband has to use an extra bed pillow otherwise he can feel the frame of the chair. I tried it out and yes it was very uncomfortable. Overall a good looking chair but would be even better with extra back padding.
When put together it looks just like the picture
It was a gift for my grandson,he was excited and couldn't wait to put it together. Once it was together everyone tried it, we all agreed it was a great gaming chair
Great chair - seller charges steep shipping prices
Chair is fine. Shipping charges a bit gouging
Great price!
Bought nephew for Christmas he said its comfy.
Great for gamers
Purchased for my son's birthday- he was over-the-moon. It is a great quality, wasn't hard to assemble, only tool a few minutes, comfortable, and now my husband wants one. LOL!!!!
Good game chairs for the price
I bought two for my boys, they play online. They loved it, for the price I was able to afford it. They had been wanting a game chair for some time but couldnt afford it. Easy to assemble, the kids helped putting it together. I gave it 4 stars because there is higher quality chairs just more expensive. Im glad I got these.
Merry Christmas
Bought this for my grandson, he loved it
Not as good as I hoped
Not as comfortable as I thought I do have chronic back pain so Im not sure what to get.
He loves it
My 12 year old loves it!! Its comfy and sturdy!!
Good looking chair lacking on the back support.
Great chair just lacking on the back support. Not as cushioned as the rest of the chair so my husband has to use an extra bed pillow otherwise he can feel the frame of the chair. I tried it out and yes it was very uncomfortable. Overall a good looking chair but would be even better with extra back padding.
great posture support
great for home office posture support, added bonus is the back massager, along with the head/neck support
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