Looks nice, and its very sturdy. Putting it together was pretty easy (though the stickers were reversed on two of the pieces). The company put a little letter in the package, and included three blank greeting cards, which I thought was cute. The bed is a little lower than I imagined, but it will work! Wish this company also made other furniture products for offices (like desks and bookcases). Would buy them all.
Easy to assemble. For the money, seems to be solid construction. Bought as extra bed for guests, so do not have long record of use to comment on its durability. A few minor dings on black metal, easy touch up.
This is a very good daybed frame if you arent a rich person. I was looking for daybeds on other websites but I simply couldnt afford them. This daybed is perfect because it adds just a modicum of elegance and class because of the wood panels. The problem is my bedroom is so small so you cant even see the wood because it is touching the wall on both ends. So when guests have come over Ive had to point out the wood to them so they dont think I bought the cheapest possible daybed because they know I am poor.
The bed frames are sturdy. However, im writing this based on 2/weeks of experience. However, the directions were somewhat confusing as there were no separate labels for parts used in day bed frame and the truddle frame. Overall, its a great purchase if it lasts for years!
Clear directions and everything you need to assemble. If this 69 year old women can put this together, anyone can. Heavy duty construction was better than I anticipated considering the price. Would order this again.
Super sturdy
Looks nice, and its very sturdy. Putting it together was pretty easy (though the stickers were reversed on two of the pieces). The company put a little letter in the package, and included three blank greeting cards, which I thought was cute. The bed is a little lower than I imagined, but it will work! Wish this company also made other furniture products for offices (like desks and bookcases). Would buy them all.
Ease of assembly
Easy to assemble. For the money, seems to be solid construction. Bought as extra bed for guests, so do not have long record of use to comment on its durability. A few minor dings on black metal, easy touch up.
My favorite purchase
10 stars for how easy it was to assembleI cant say enough about it!
If you are poor this is a great option for a daybed.
This is a very good daybed frame if you arent a rich person. I was looking for daybeds on other websites but I simply couldnt afford them. This daybed is perfect because it adds just a modicum of elegance and class because of the wood panels. The problem is my bedroom is so small so you cant even see the wood because it is touching the wall on both ends. So when guests have come over Ive had to point out the wood to them so they dont think I bought the cheapest possible daybed because they know I am poor.
Nice bed fram
Very well built easy assembly
The bed frames are sturdy. However, im writing this based on 2/weeks of experience. However, the directions were somewhat confusing as there were no separate labels for parts used in day bed frame and the truddle frame. Overall, its a great purchase if it lasts for years!
Go ok d buy for the money
Super easy to set up my 7 year old basicly built it himself and is pretty sturdy
This was easy to put together and perfect for our spare room/office!
Assembly easy
Clear directions and everything you need to assemble. If this 69 year old women can put this together, anyone can. Heavy duty construction was better than I anticipated considering the price. Would order this again.
Solid and easy to put together
Solid and easy to put together. However, the bed is a little longer than a regular twin.
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