These chairs were SO easy to assemble, I could do it myself without help. The hardware is quality, instructions were clear, the chairs were sturdy and comfortable and I felt the price was reasonable for the quality. Nice style that goes with a multitude of decours.
Overall, Im happy with these chairs. They are surprisingly comfortable and sturdy, and they look great. I really like that they push all the way into the table.
They assembled pretty quickly, but mine had a few mistakes. The black lining fabric had not been cut to show where to insert the screws. I was able to feel for the space and then make a small cut. Im not sure if thats why, but the black lining on the underside then stuck out from the seat. I had to go through and trim those up. I wasnt very happy at the time, but I havent seen any other reviews that mention this, so I suspect it was a fluke. I was going to rate it 3 stars, but I raised it up one just because they are so comfortable!
Initially, I was hesitant to order the dining chairs because I was uncertain about the upholstery material and the metal tube legs. However, after getting them and putting them together, I am happy to report that they are sturdy and easy to assemble. They are also easily cleaned with a damp towel and are quite comfortable to sit in for longer periods of time.
Be sure to note that the product description says the max weight is 250 pounds. Definitely recommend if you are looking for a set of easy to clean and comfortable chairs for your dining area at a reasonable price.
What I like about these chairs is the simplistic look they have, working well for my minimalist approach. Assembly was easy for each chair and in the end they are very sturdy and look nice sitting in the room. Comfort is good, not the best ever, but not bad by any means. They are just as expected and Im satisfied with them.
Good chair for small desk
Used for my sons desk for home school. Works great!
Just ok.
Could be a little more stable.
So comfy
Im so serious- these chairs are so freaking comfortable. Definitely should buy some.
Easy to assemble!
These chairs were SO easy to assemble, I could do it myself without help. The hardware is quality, instructions were clear, the chairs were sturdy and comfortable and I felt the price was reasonable for the quality. Nice style that goes with a multitude of decours.
Comfortable and modern fits well with our design for the kitchen
Love it
Good, once assembled
Overall, Im happy with these chairs. They are surprisingly comfortable and sturdy, and they look great. I really like that they push all the way into the table. They assembled pretty quickly, but mine had a few mistakes. The black lining fabric had not been cut to show where to insert the screws. I was able to feel for the space and then make a small cut. Im not sure if thats why, but the black lining on the underside then stuck out from the seat. I had to go through and trim those up. I wasnt very happy at the time, but I havent seen any other reviews that mention this, so I suspect it was a fluke. I was going to rate it 3 stars, but I raised it up one just because they are so comfortable!
Very Comfortable
Absolutely love these chairs. They are very modern and extremely comfortable. Also easy to clean!!
Sturdy, easy to clean chairs
Initially, I was hesitant to order the dining chairs because I was uncertain about the upholstery material and the metal tube legs. However, after getting them and putting them together, I am happy to report that they are sturdy and easy to assemble. They are also easily cleaned with a damp towel and are quite comfortable to sit in for longer periods of time. Be sure to note that the product description says the max weight is 250 pounds. Definitely recommend if you are looking for a set of easy to clean and comfortable chairs for your dining area at a reasonable price.
Very nice
Easy to setup. Very comfortable. We use three of these on a bench style table across from a bench seat.
Nice set of chairs
What I like about these chairs is the simplistic look they have, working well for my minimalist approach. Assembly was easy for each chair and in the end they are very sturdy and look nice sitting in the room. Comfort is good, not the best ever, but not bad by any means. They are just as expected and Im satisfied with them.
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