Well built. Right size for me
Sturdy for cat dismounts.
Good quality and materials feel sturdy, BUT!
Was excited to put together this item. However, the screws for the separator for the two drawers need to be put in such a way that the screws collide and go in crooked. Messed up the sliding mechanism for the drawers.
Great sturdy table!
Its better than expected! Easy to assemble and very sturdy!
Well built. Right size for me
Sturdy for cat dismounts.
Good quality and materials feel sturdy, BUT!
Was excited to put together this item. However, the screws for the separator for the two drawers need to be put in such a way that the screws collide and go in crooked. Messed up the sliding mechanism for the drawers.
Great sturdy table!
Its better than expected! Easy to assemble and very sturdy!
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