I love that this bed is sturdy, made of solid pine. My son loves playing under it! I only took off a star because one of the screw holes isnt lined up right so the step on the ladder is a little wonky.
The bed has a lot of parts and the instructions aren't wonderful (easy to get things turned around). It is on par with Ikea furniture. But, my son loves it and it seems like a nice bed so everyone is happy.
My 5 year old loves it. Decent height to have her sit and read books. Very sturdy as well. Sorta jealous of my daughter lmao. Wasn't too hard to assemble but definitely need a good sized empty space to build it. Not a task for one person. And using an electric drill did help speed up the process. Overall took about 3 hours with the help of my daughter.
This bed is great! My boyfriend was able to assemble it himself even with a 2.5 year old trying to help. All 3 of us have laid in it - it's very sturdy. I do agree that a twin size comforter is best as the sides have 0 room to tuck the blanket in. Pictured on the bed is a full sized one. My daughter loves it! It took her a little practice to get the hang of getting up and down, but she figured out if she puts her folding stool at the bottom it makes the last step easier, haha. This was a great purchase at a fair price.
Its lower than expected. The top step kids can get their foot stuck in because it has a such a little space between the bed and step. It's pretty sturdy and was easy to assemble. We decided to keep it and put something behind the step so our son doesnt hurt his foot.
Perfect for toddlers
My nieces love it
Good purchase
I love that this bed is sturdy, made of solid pine. My son loves playing under it! I only took off a star because one of the screw holes isnt lined up right so the step on the ladder is a little wonky.
The bed has a lot of parts and the instructions aren't wonderful (easy to get things turned around). It is on par with Ikea furniture. But, my son loves it and it seems like a nice bed so everyone is happy.
Easy to assemble.
Love this, its perfect. My kids 4 and 2 love it so much. It was easy to put up, but you do need two people.
Very easy to follow directions
Inexpensive, easy to set up, I love how its low so if a child does fall off the top there is less chance of a serious injury.
Love this bed!!
Love this bed! I got it for my 5 year old. It's very solid and sturdy, I used wood glue also. It seems like it will last a long time!
Bad company but beautiful
No white, it's cream . The one piece of wood came split and they won't discount it.
My 5 year old loves it. Decent height to have her sit and read books. Very sturdy as well. Sorta jealous of my daughter lmao. Wasn't too hard to assemble but definitely need a good sized empty space to build it. Not a task for one person. And using an electric drill did help speed up the process. Overall took about 3 hours with the help of my daughter.
Perfect for toddler
This bed is great! My boyfriend was able to assemble it himself even with a 2.5 year old trying to help. All 3 of us have laid in it - it's very sturdy. I do agree that a twin size comforter is best as the sides have 0 room to tuck the blanket in. Pictured on the bed is a full sized one. My daughter loves it! It took her a little practice to get the hang of getting up and down, but she figured out if she puts her folding stool at the bottom it makes the last step easier, haha. This was a great purchase at a fair price.
Decent bed for price.
Its lower than expected. The top step kids can get their foot stuck in because it has a such a little space between the bed and step. It's pretty sturdy and was easy to assemble. We decided to keep it and put something behind the step so our son doesnt hurt his foot.
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