This bed is great value for price! I would be careful not to overtighten the screws because it did break the paint but it was very easy to assemble and sturdy. It came in one box and it was ahead of schedule with no missing or broken pieces.
I was nervous buying a bed online but this one is awesome
The wood is solid and sturdy. The assembly took my husband about
2 hours. The children love how low the top bunk is and I feel better about
it with them falling. Well worth the money
Cute, well built bed. It provides a good amount of under bed storage or a little nook space. The box is heavy, but the benefit is the sturdiness of the bed.
Lots of Instructions, some of the holes for the pieces were not properly drilled which took lot more effort and time to setup. Some pieces are like cardboard, not sure how long it will last
It was about a 3 hour job to put it together. There are times where you need a second set of hands to hold things together. Our kid loves it. Doesnt sit as high off the ground as I thought it would but thats fine.
Its super adorable. My highly attached to me toddler loves it and slept in it alone the first night. Very easy to assemble. My only disappointment is that there is a crack in the wood on one piece - it really bothered me but I was not about to pack it up again and return. So it seems to be holding up well anyway. For the price, its worth it and I love that its not low to the ground. I dont like my kids to be close to the floor. Love it though.
Great bed for younger kids!
This bed is great value for price! I would be careful not to overtighten the screws because it did break the paint but it was very easy to assemble and sturdy. It came in one box and it was ahead of schedule with no missing or broken pieces.
Good quality wood
I was nervous buying a bed online but this one is awesome The wood is solid and sturdy. The assembly took my husband about 2 hours. The children love how low the top bunk is and I feel better about it with them falling. Well worth the money
Cute, well built bed. It provides a good amount of under bed storage or a little nook space. The box is heavy, but the benefit is the sturdiness of the bed.
Not the most easiest bed to assemble
Lots of Instructions, some of the holes for the pieces were not properly drilled which took lot more effort and time to setup. Some pieces are like cardboard, not sure how long it will last
really cute
great for the price
My five year old LOVES her bed!!
Perfect for my daughter! She loves it! Really happy with this purchase!
I love the color
Its ok
Very good and sturdy bed. Full bed Carrying me and my husband. BUT didnt come with instructions veryyy hard to put togather took forever
Fairly easily assembly and durable
It was about a 3 hour job to put it together. There are times where you need a second set of hands to hold things together. Our kid loves it. Doesnt sit as high off the ground as I thought it would but thats fine.
Very easy to assemble
Its super adorable. My highly attached to me toddler loves it and slept in it alone the first night. Very easy to assemble. My only disappointment is that there is a crack in the wood on one piece - it really bothered me but I was not about to pack it up again and return. So it seems to be holding up well anyway. For the price, its worth it and I love that its not low to the ground. I dont like my kids to be close to the floor. Love it though.
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