Easy peasy! No missing parts so good look for the seller. Shipping was QUICK! Instructions easy to follow. Matches my dining table perfectly! One of the legs on the chairs must be a smidget short because it made one chair wobble, not sure if that is my fault due to assembly or I received a faulty part, however the grips on the bottom of the chair legs screw in and out so it was an easy fix.
These were delivered ahead of schedule by almost 2 weeks. The assembly required a bit of finessing as one of the cross bars was dented in, preventing the leg from being locked into place. The metal was pretty thick, but I got a few tools and smashed the crap out of it so I could jam that leg into the base/crossbar. One or two of the chairs are a bit wobbly, but I'm planning to get an area rug to fix that dilemma. The velvety material is a rich navy blue and very nice quality from what I can tell. My cat immediately claimed one of the chairs, so I'll have to figure out how to get hair off easily. These chairs are perfect for an apartment and pretty nice quality for the price. Would highly recommend.
If you're on the fence, just buy them! They are beautiful and so soft! I have 3 kids and they are very sturdy. We sprayed ours with waterproof protectant to stop stains.
These chairs are a great value. Our designer recommended this style chair in the same blue fabric for our kitchen dining area. Her 6 chairs (similar to these but with arms) cost $3,200. I wasnt ready to commit to blue fabric so when I saw these, 8 chairs for under $400, ordered them right away. Quick delivery and so far so good. I just assembled them so Ive only sat on briefly, but Im already liking them.
Very easy to assemble. They have spinny foot pads to adjust for and eliminate wobbles.
Great and easy
Great chairs for the price!
So cute !
Easy assembly! Perfect!
Classy Boho Chic
Easy peasy! No missing parts so good look for the seller. Shipping was QUICK! Instructions easy to follow. Matches my dining table perfectly! One of the legs on the chairs must be a smidget short because it made one chair wobble, not sure if that is my fault due to assembly or I received a faulty part, however the grips on the bottom of the chair legs screw in and out so it was an easy fix.
Great Buy
I love everything about these chairs. They are comfortable, stylish and strong. I have had thrn for about a week and I love them.
Had a bump in the road during assembly, but the chairs are beautiful!
These were delivered ahead of schedule by almost 2 weeks. The assembly required a bit of finessing as one of the cross bars was dented in, preventing the leg from being locked into place. The metal was pretty thick, but I got a few tools and smashed the crap out of it so I could jam that leg into the base/crossbar. One or two of the chairs are a bit wobbly, but I'm planning to get an area rug to fix that dilemma. The velvety material is a rich navy blue and very nice quality from what I can tell. My cat immediately claimed one of the chairs, so I'll have to figure out how to get hair off easily. These chairs are perfect for an apartment and pretty nice quality for the price. Would highly recommend.
If you're on the fence, just buy them! They are beautiful and so soft! I have 3 kids and they are very sturdy. We sprayed ours with waterproof protectant to stop stains.
Good for kids. Not that sturdy for every day use for adults
Good for kids. Not that sturdy for every day use for adults. The price is right and they are cute!
High style, great value
These chairs are a great value. Our designer recommended this style chair in the same blue fabric for our kitchen dining area. Her 6 chairs (similar to these but with arms) cost $3,200. I wasnt ready to commit to blue fabric so when I saw these, 8 chairs for under $400, ordered them right away. Quick delivery and so far so good. I just assembled them so Ive only sat on briefly, but Im already liking them. Very easy to assemble. They have spinny foot pads to adjust for and eliminate wobbles.
Highly recommended
I really like the colours, its easy to assemble and comfortable
Loved the material and colors of the chairs
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