These chairs are comfortable, stylish and sturdy. Im overweight and feel very comfortable and stable sitting in these chairs. The back is high and hugs your back nicely when you sit in them.
They arent exactly pink, more of a muave color but it looks nice! Also very easy assemble (I did it by myself in 30 minutes for both chairs!).
Easy to put together, but not the most comfortable. Its fine for its purpose, but the seat is a little small if youre not a slim person. The legs loose their sturdiness after some use though. Very cute to look at, color of fabric is perfect, but the quality definitely is reflected in the price. You get what you pay for.
Great Pair of Chairs
These chairs are comfortable, stylish and sturdy. Im overweight and feel very comfortable and stable sitting in these chairs. The back is high and hugs your back nicely when you sit in them. They arent exactly pink, more of a muave color but it looks nice! Also very easy assemble (I did it by myself in 30 minutes for both chairs!).
Love them.
Love them.
High quality!
Easy to put together, very comfortable, even better in person, and amazing quality!
Sturdy and beautiful.
Great chairs !
Great quality chairs for the price!
Very good quality. You will get what you see on the pictures. I like how they were padded, very comfortable! Best buy!
That it was easy to assemble
I like how comfy this chair is and how easy was to assemble.
Easy to assemble!
They are okay
Easy to put together, but not the most comfortable. Its fine for its purpose, but the seat is a little small if youre not a slim person. The legs loose their sturdiness after some use though. Very cute to look at, color of fabric is perfect, but the quality definitely is reflected in the price. You get what you pay for.
Beware of used products!!
Arrived quickly and look true to the description but I received a used product!
Soft and Comfy!!
they are sturdy, legs were easy to assemble. Beautiful color!
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