The set looked nice. It was easy to assemble. However we had to go to the hardware store and buy longer screws because the ones for the seats were too short.
Beautiful, lightweight piece, fits perfectly in a small space. But a PAIN to assemble. The instructions arent super helpful and the screws all look alike.
Overall, I am very satisfied with the dining set. One of the chairs was not properly aligned but the customer service was very efficient and I got a replacement of the defective part quickly.
I really like this dining set. Its affordable, nice and looks pretty decent.
Fairly easy to assemble and fairly sturdy, you may have to do a twice-over to check for all of the loose parts. There are some dents and dings to the product which are probably from shipping.
Perfect for small kitchen yes I recommend it.
Love my New table
Good purchase
Great table for the price
Good buy beautiful and sturdy
It wasnt that easy to assemble but its its not impossible it is a beautiful and sturdy table and the chairs are pretty too its a good buy
Stools not sturdy
The screws were not long enough for the stools. We ended up going and buying more sturdy stools at a local store
I received this earlier that anticipated which was great!
All the pieces were there and it was pretty easy to assemble. Seems pretty sturdy.
Second product
Good cheap fits my small kitchenette
screws too short
The set looked nice. It was easy to assemble. However we had to go to the hardware store and buy longer screws because the ones for the seats were too short.
Beautiful take, difficult assembly
Beautiful, lightweight piece, fits perfectly in a small space. But a PAIN to assemble. The instructions arent super helpful and the screws all look alike.
Item is as described and customer service is pretty efficient
Overall, I am very satisfied with the dining set. One of the chairs was not properly aligned but the customer service was very efficient and I got a replacement of the defective part quickly. I really like this dining set. Its affordable, nice and looks pretty decent.
Decent overall.
Fairly easy to assemble and fairly sturdy, you may have to do a twice-over to check for all of the loose parts. There are some dents and dings to the product which are probably from shipping.
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