This was super easy to assemble. I did it by myself and it took about a hour to assemble everything. The table was packaged extremely well and it arrived in excellent condition
I assembled this alone so it did take awhile. You do need a screwdriver or drill, which is not included. I also had to make my own holes when putting the seat cushion on top of the base, which was hard and inconvenient. Im not sure if this is a flaw in mine, but it made that part of assembly more difficult.
I love this table! Its very sturdy and the perfect height for my small apartment. You do need a drill to put everything together. There are some holes missing and its almost impossible to get the screws in without a drill. The directions are very clear which helps the entire process!
Great set!!, not crazy about the screws used to put the seat tops on!! Other than that great!!
Love this table set, Sturdy and easy to put together!!
Absolutely BEAUTIFUL
If you love Marble you will love this table. Its stunning.
nice table well!
i love my table it goes with my wall that i have on my wall.
Took forever to put together
Loved the way it looks just too us 4 DAYS to put it together. Some of the pre-made holes didnt line up so we had do it ourselves.
super easy to assemble, good
This was super easy to assemble. I did it by myself and it took about a hour to assemble everything. The table was packaged extremely well and it arrived in excellent condition
Great for the price. assembled this alone
I assembled this alone so it did take awhile. You do need a screwdriver or drill, which is not included. I also had to make my own holes when putting the seat cushion on top of the base, which was hard and inconvenient. Im not sure if this is a flaw in mine, but it made that part of assembly more difficult.
Good value, well made
Pretty easy to assemble, nice and sturdy. Cant beat it for the price.
Great value, use a drill.
I love this table! Its very sturdy and the perfect height for my small apartment. You do need a drill to put everything together. There are some holes missing and its almost impossible to get the screws in without a drill. The directions are very clear which helps the entire process!
Nice fit
The table is exactly what my kitchen needed to add a little flare to a small area Nicely built - stylish
Pub set is exactly what I expected!
This pub set was exactly as described and fully met my expectations.
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