We bought this bed for my toddler. We chose it because it was a greatly priced bed that had a headboard and footboard. The assembly was easy, but long and tedious. It took longer than we expected. Weve only had the bed one week but so far we love it. Ive moved it all over the room to see where it looks best and it is so light and easy to love yet durable and sturdy. We bought a full for our 2 year old and he is loving his big boy bed.
Take your time with assembly. Not difficult, but allow plenty of time. Must be partially disassembled to move from room to room, but no problem moving it within the room when assembled. You will have to secure your mattress, as it WILL slide around on the metal grid platform. Our mattress had side handles, so we used bungees, which secured the mattress. 4 stars on assembly as it does take time. 3 stars on maneuverability ONLY because of partial disassembly required to move from room to room.
We put this bed in our guest room and it did not disappoint. The finish is really nice, it went together easily (lots of parts) and it's quiet and sturdy with a foam mattress, no box spring needed. It's lovely all decked out with quilts and pillows. Our guests love it!
I was really happy with the appearance but after a while it started to creak. Now even the tiniest movement and its making a bunch of noise. Its impossible to shift or turn over without making some noise. If that doesnt bother you then fine but I might invest in something sturdier
Nice lightweight bed
We bought this bed for my toddler. We chose it because it was a greatly priced bed that had a headboard and footboard. The assembly was easy, but long and tedious. It took longer than we expected. Weve only had the bed one week but so far we love it. Ive moved it all over the room to see where it looks best and it is so light and easy to love yet durable and sturdy. We bought a full for our 2 year old and he is loving his big boy bed.
Love the Bed Frame and Headboardi
I would highly recommend this bed frame. Its a beauty and very sturdy. Beware, however, that assembly is not easy. Overall the effort was worth it.
Good for a light weight person
Not sturdy enough for an adult over….maybe 120 lbs? But for a smaller child or pre teen its perfect and pretty. Assembly is not bad.
Very substantial and presents very well
Take your time with assembly. Not difficult, but allow plenty of time. Must be partially disassembled to move from room to room, but no problem moving it within the room when assembled. You will have to secure your mattress, as it WILL slide around on the metal grid platform. Our mattress had side handles, so we used bungees, which secured the mattress. 4 stars on assembly as it does take time. 3 stars on maneuverability ONLY because of partial disassembly required to move from room to room.
Not for adult activities
The bed frame itself isn't too bad but it doesn't hold up well with a lot of back and forth motions if you catch my drift.
You will need assembly skills
Very happy. Took a little time to assemble but over all its great.
So easy to put together
I liked that is is sturdy, using it in my guest bedroom.
Nice and sturdy
Nice and sturdy bed.
So cute in our Guest Room
We put this bed in our guest room and it did not disappoint. The finish is really nice, it went together easily (lots of parts) and it's quiet and sturdy with a foam mattress, no box spring needed. It's lovely all decked out with quilts and pillows. Our guests love it!
Cute but SO LOUD
I was really happy with the appearance but after a while it started to creak. Now even the tiniest movement and its making a bunch of noise. Its impossible to shift or turn over without making some noise. If that doesnt bother you then fine but I might invest in something sturdier
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