Bought because it was cheap, but honestly I like it better than a lot of the courses nearby me. its light but seemingly durable. Very happy with my purchase.
Absolutely love this basket. Sturdy, lightweight and easy to move around. And it was so much cheaper than the others. Cannot possibly be any better than this one.
I purchased two of these so we could use it similar to corn hole or horse shoes. We have enjoyed the quality. Now if we could just learn how to throw a Frisbee accurately.
Surprisingly good for the price
Bought because it was cheap, but honestly I like it better than a lot of the courses nearby me. its light but seemingly durable. Very happy with my purchase.
Best basket great value
Nice basket
The cheapest and best basket
Absolutely love this basket. Sturdy, lightweight and easy to move around. And it was so much cheaper than the others. Cannot possibly be any better than this one.
Exactly what I wanted
Nice for the price
I purchased two of these so we could use it similar to corn hole or horse shoes. We have enjoyed the quality. Now if we could just learn how to throw a Frisbee accurately.
Quality basket
This is a well made basket! Easy to assemble. Nothing cheap on it. Easily worth the hundo.
Works great
It stops the in the chains perfectly. Great product.
very durable
My brother loves this! Super easy to set up
Great product, easy build, sturdy, buying more.
Great for the sport
Love it use it all the time worth every penny
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