I did not give it 5 stars because the assembly is not as simple as claimed due to the parts not fitting exact. I had to take a set of pliers to pull a peice up and a rubber mallet to make them fit together. This is most likely not the same with every frame the reviews I read before purchase claim easy to assemble and honestly even with having to modify and work a little at getting the rails together it still wasn't awful to assemble. It looks fantastic.
Perfect! My daughter loves her new gold big girl bed. This bed was easy to out together and is very sturdy! I'm so impressed. We are buying another one but in black for our guest room!
Awesome Bed
Bought this bed for my 9yo son who wanted something more grown up. He helped me build it, and we both LOVE how it looks! 100% recommend.
Very nice and sturdy. Beautiful bed
Love it. Super easy to assemble. Good instructions.
Assembly may take a little extra effort
I did not give it 5 stars because the assembly is not as simple as claimed due to the parts not fitting exact. I had to take a set of pliers to pull a peice up and a rubber mallet to make them fit together. This is most likely not the same with every frame the reviews I read before purchase claim easy to assemble and honestly even with having to modify and work a little at getting the rails together it still wasn't awful to assemble. It looks fantastic.
Love it so far!!
So far so good. Bought it for my 14 year old and its pretty sturdy. I guess well see how it holds up over time.
Well worth the cost for a quality bed
Sturdy. Incredibly quick Shipping.
Nice bed but damaged footboard. Ugh!!!
Footboard has a big dent in it. I just want to replace the footboard.
Perfect! My daughter loves her new gold big girl bed. This bed was easy to out together and is very sturdy! I'm so impressed. We are buying another one but in black for our guest room!
True to color and its very sturdy!
True to color and its very sturdy!
Bent frame, not sturdy
Frame bent after 2 weeks of use. Very disappointed
worth the price
got what i wanted for the price
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